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Government and Elections

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1 Government and Elections
Influences on Government and Elections Chapter 11

2 Influences on Government and Elections
Public Opinion - “What people think about public officials.” Elected officials pay attention to public opinion because they want the support of the people so they will continue to be re-elected. Voters – What do the voters say? Interest Groups - Groups that try to form around specific issues. They try to influence leaders and get laws passed. Mass Media - It plays a major role in influencing the government. They have access to every American. Internet has become a powerful tool that candidates use in order to get elected and get their message to the public.

3 How does the Media effect government and elections?
It effects public opinion. Depending on how the media presents a topic can determine whether it gets support from the public. It effects elections. The way that candidates appear on T.V. effects the way the public views candidates. It is a watchdog. The media makes corruption known to the public and helps keep public officials honest.

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