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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 What is Science? Science involves asking questions about nature and finding ways to answer them (ex. Will you get wetter running home in the rain or walking home in the rain?) Curiosity fuels science…… why is the sky blue? Why do some plants live all year and some only part of the year? Science is a system of knowledge and the methods you use to find that knowledge Science begins with curiosity and often ends with discovery

3 How do we “do” science? - ….

4 Why do we use the Scientific Method?
Organized Plan for gathering and communicating information Solve Problems or better understand an observed event Consistent method used throughout all scientific experiments This allows experiments to be repeated

5 The Scientific Method

6 1. Ask a Question Make an observation
Observation- information you obtain through your senses Ex. Plants grow better at the center of yard rather than along forest line Ask a question about the observation Ex. Why do the plants grow better in the center of the yard

7 2. Research Do Background Research about your topic
Use all available resources…. Internet, books, experts in the field, scientific journals Keep a list of your resources for later Ex. Talk to a botanist, look up scientific journals on plants, use botany books, use internet

8 3. Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a proposed answer to the question (an educated guess) Written in If…..then…..because… form What are some possible hypotheses for our plant example?

9 4. Test a Hypothesis Create a Procedure (Extremely important that this is well detailed so it experiment can be recreated…think back to PB&J) Variables- any factor that can change Independent (manipulated) Variable- variable that causes change in another, this is the variable controlled by scientist (ex. Sun exposure) Dependent (responding) Variable- Variable that responds to independent variable (ex. Plant growth) Perform Experiment Take notes on observations throughout the experiment Collect Data Create tables to record all measurements Make sure everything you do or measure is accurate

10 5. Analyze Data Interpret and organize data
Create graphs or charts to show trends in data Ex. Graph of plant growth vs. sunlight exposure

11 Conclusion Analyze your data Support or Reject your hypothesis
This is the part where you explain what your data (graphs and tables) mean Support or Reject your hypothesis State whether your data supports or rejects hypothesis It is OKAY if your hypothesis is wrong!

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