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Opener Notes Name__________________________________________________

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1 Opener Notes Name__________________________________________________
Algebra: Factoring Day 4 Opener Fill in the missing signs. 1. π‘₯ 2 +6x+8= π‘₯ 2 +2x-8= π‘₯ 2 -2x-8 = π‘₯ 2 -6x+8=0 ( x __ 4) (x __2) ( x __ 4) (x __2) ( x __ 4) (x __2) ( x __ 4) (x __2) Notes Difference of perfect squares. π‘₯ = What should the numbers multiply to? ____________ What should the numbers add to? _____________ What will the signs be? ______________________ Practice π‘₯ = 0 π‘₯ = 0 3. π‘₯ = 0 4. π‘₯ = 0 5. π‘₯ = 0 6. π‘₯ = 0 7. π‘₯ = 0 8. π‘₯ = 0

Practice – Find the roots of the following Steps Find the numbers that multiply to the number without the x Pick the two numbers that add to the number with the x T it up Solve to find your roots Example: π‘₯ x βˆ’ 16 = 0 5. π‘₯ 2 +6x-27= 0 6. π‘₯ 2 -5x-14 = 0 7. π‘₯ 2 -8x+12= 0 8. π‘₯ = 0 π‘₯ 2 -2x-15= 0 2. π‘₯ x+18 = 0 3. π‘₯ 2 -10x+24= 0 4. π‘₯ 2 +5x-24= 0

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