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Convert to scientific notation

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Presentation on theme: "Convert to scientific notation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Convert to scientific notation

2 3.427 x 103

3 Convert to scientific notation

4 4.56 x 10 -3

5 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
0.32 x x 120=

6 556.8 = 5.6 x 102

7 Convert each into decimal form (standard form)
1.56 x 104

8 15,600

9 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
24.1/0.005 =

10 4820 = 5 x 103

11 Convert to scientific notation. Round to 4 sig figs

12 1.235 x 105

13 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
3.9 x 6.05 x 420 =

14 = 9.9 x 103

15 Determine the number of significant figures

16 4

17 Determine the number of significant figures

18 3

19 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
14.1/5 =

20 2.82 = 3

21 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

22 15.703

23 Convert each into decimal form (standard form)
0.56 x 10 -2

24 0.0056

25 Convert to scientific notation

26 1.72 x 102

27 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

28 15.3

29 Convert to scientific notation

30 9.84 x 10 -4

31 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
17.441÷ 3 =

32 = 6

33 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

34 = 160

35 Convert to scientific notation

36 5.02 x 10 -1

37 Determine the number of significant figures

38 3

39 Convert each into decimal form (standard form)
3.69 x 10-2

40 0.0369

41 Convert to scientific notation

42 5.2 x 10-4

43 Convert each into decimal form (standard form)
x 106

44 7,736,900

45 Determine the number of significant figures

46 3

47 Round each of the following to 3 significant figures


49 Round each of the following to 3 significant figures

50 6.30 x 106

51 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

52 25.6

53 Determine the number of significant figures
3.105 x 102

54 4

55 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
3.41 – =

56 3.32

57 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
16 x ÷ =

58 830

59 Determine the number of significant figures

60 5

61 Determine the number of significant figures

62 3

63 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
21.01 x 2.0 =

64 42

65 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

66 54.9

67 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
8.95 x 1076/ 1.25 x 1056 =

68 7.16 x 1020

69 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.

70 45.3

71 Round each of the following to 3 significant figures

72 2.90 x 10 21

73 Determine the number of significant figures

74 5

75 Calculate the answer, use the correct number of significant figures.
3.9 x 6.05 x 420 =

76 9.9 x 103

77 Determine the number of significant figures

78 3

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