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Stop, Walk, and Talk The Gecko Way to deal with conflict, bullying, and feeling uncomfortable Quick explanation of why we are teaching this across the.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop, Walk, and Talk The Gecko Way to deal with conflict, bullying, and feeling uncomfortable Quick explanation of why we are teaching this across the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop, Walk, and Talk The Gecko Way to deal with conflict, bullying, and feeling uncomfortable Quick explanation of why we are teaching this across the district

2 What does C.L.I.M.B. stand for?
Review of school-wide expectations

3 Caring Learning Intelligent Choices Motivation Be Respectful
Have students say them out loud

4 What you should do if you feel uncomfortable when someone does something that does not follow C.L.I.M.B.? Define uncomfortable and the difference between not feeling safe vs. not liking something; Also discuss how adults want students to try and work out their problems on their own first

5 STOP Step 1 Show the hand signal and say “Please stop…”
Your palm should be facing the other person Your hand should be closer to your body than to the other person’s body Say stop in a serious and firm voice Step 1 Model what this should look like; Have students turn to a neighbor and try it!

6 What if using the stop signal does not work?
Give an example and what you do if it does work and if it doesn’t

7 Walk away from the other person
If the behavior continues, silently walk away Say nothing more, just walk away This removes the attention from the person who is bothering you Step 2 Model what this should look like

8 If you have tried the stop signal and you have tried walking away...

9 Report the problem to a trusted adult
TALK Report the problem to a trusted adult Calmly tell the adult what the other person was doing The adult will ask you if you have tried using the stop signal and walking away Step 3 Model what this should look like; Then model what adults will look like

10 If someone is injured or in serious danger, go straight to an adult.
Important !!! If someone is injured or in serious danger, go straight to an adult.

11 Take a deep breath, apologize, and move on with your day
What should you do if someone tells you to stop and gives you the stop signal? Even if you are just kidding or joking, you must stop. You could be making someone uncomfortable Take a deep breath, apologize, and move on with your day Discuss why this is important

12 A silent movie of some students using “Stop, Walk, and Talk”


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