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Presentation on theme: "THERE ARE 3 MAJOR RISK FACTORS"— Presentation transcript:

Health risk FACTORS RISK Behaviors- something that increases the likelihood of developing a disease, disorder or injury THERE ARE 3 MAJOR RISK FACTORS

2 Risk Factor 1- Genetics/ Heredity
Traits passed biologically from parent to child is your heredity Examples: hair color, eye color, height Some diseases are also genetic: Examples: diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, addiction, depression What does this mean? Ex) Sally can be at risk for depression simply because her Mom has depression.

3 What Can We Do? Heredity: a. Be Aware- know family history b. Regular Doctor Visits c. Take Precautions K. Vogt 2014

4 Risk factor 2- Environmental
How your surroundings can impact your health. Social Surroundings family and friends who don’t do drugs friends who lie, are disrespectful, etc Family who eat healthy Physical Surroundings -air -water -geography -climate -radiation from sun -second hand smoke

5 Be aware of your surroundings
What Can We Do? Environment: Be aware of your surroundings Be wise about who you spend your time with Understand your risks

6 Risk factor 3: Behavioral Conditions resulting from a person’s actions and decisions (choices or behaviors). Examples: -Decide to exercise -Choosing to eat healthy -Deciding to wear a seat belt -Texting and driving -Trying drugs YOU CONTROL THE BEHAVIORAL RISKS!

7 What plays a role in your behaviors?
Lifestyle factors: Personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives. Abstinence: A deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. Peers: People of the same age of you who share interests.

8 Choices & Possible Consequences
Behavior/Choice Consequence/Result Non-smoker Eat healthy Brush Teeth Wear sunscreen Less risk of Cancer Maintain healthy weight Prevent Gum Disease Prevent Skin Damage

9 What Can We Do? Behavioral: a. Drop Bad Habits NOW! b. Make Positive, Thoughtful Decisions- think before acting c. Create Healthy Options (tell the people in your life about the changes you’d like to make) K. Vogt 2014

10 Taking Responsibility
4 STEPS TO ACHIEVE A HEALTHY LIFE 1). AWARENESS: be aware of personal health and signals from your body 2). KNOWLEDGE: learn, read, research, stay updated 3). DECISION MAKING: beliefs and values, decide to be healthy 4). APPLY SKILLS: Take action, actually practice healthy decision-making

11 Journal Question How could you improve your personal health? What behaviors could you work on changing?


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