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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction

2 Male Reproductive System
Gland Sperm Duct Scrotum Urethra Penis Testis Use this to fill in the worksheets

3 Female Reproductive System
Oviduct Uterus Ovary Vagina Cervix Use this to fill in the worksheets


5 Male Reproductive System
2 1 3 6 5 4 Use this to fill in the worksheets

6 Female Reproductive System
7 8 10 11 9 Use this to fill in the worksheets

7 Tim and Moby on reproductive organs

8 Fertilisation There is a hyperlink here to a website showing fertilisation


10 Here it becomes implanted in the wall.
Pregnancy Once the egg has been fertilised in the oviduct it starts dividing and moves into the uterus. Here it becomes implanted in the wall. An organ called the placenta is formed This is attached to the baby by the umbilical cord. Pupil notes

11 The placenta supplies the baby with food and oxygen
It also removes waste products and carbon dioxide from the baby Pupil notes

12 The placenta takes over the job of the following organs for the baby.
Stomach Intestines Lungs Kidneys Bladder Pupil notes

13 There is a word document with 8 of these on 1 page for printing

14 Tim and Moby

15 Pregnant women must be very careful to look after their body
Substance Effect on baby Drugs Baby may become addicted too Alcohol Causes foetal alcohol syndrome. May be brain damaged. Cigarette Smoke Low birth weight. More prone to asthma or eczema Pupil notes

16 Young Child Needs of the
Class discussion on this. Teacher notes in LM folder

17 A number of factors should be provided for the development of young children.
Breast Milk A good diet Immunisations Parental care A loving environment

18 Puberty

19 Tim and Moby - puberty

20 Puberty is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from being a child to adult.  A hormone called testosterone is made by the testes in a boy and this causes some of the changes in the body. In a girl the ovaries make a hormone called oestrogen which causes many of the changes in her body.

21 chest and pubic regions
breasts enlarge emotions change may get spots grow hair on pubic regions voices break begin to have periods For use with puberty worksheet hair becomes greasy grow hair on face, chest and pubic regions

22 The Menstrual Cycle Is normally 28 days in length See also slide 4

23 Day 1 of the cycle is when blood will first appear
Day 1-6 uterus lining breaks down and is released with the unfertilised egg. This is called menstruation or a period Day 6-28 the uterus lining thickens An egg is released on Day 14

24 Cassie and Rita - periods

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