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Listen to this: Baby I Was Born This Way

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Presentation on theme: "Listen to this: Baby I Was Born This Way"— Presentation transcript:

1 SELF-ESTEEM Essential Question: Why is self-esteem important to the positive development of a child?

2 Listen to this: Baby I Was Born This Way
Self-Esteem Self Esteem = The value people place on themselves Listen to this: Baby I Was Born This Way

3 Self-Esteem Reflection
What is this song saying? Why is self-esteem important for you? Why is self-esteem important for children? What things happen when a person doesn’t develop self-esteem?

4 Who contributes to a person’s self esteem?

5 EVERYONE you come in contact with can contribute to a person’s self esteem!


7 Self Esteem is important because….
It has a HUGE affect on… the way we treat ourselves and others the kind of choices we make the child we are and the adult we will become a person’s ability to face and overcome the challenges of each developmental stage

8 of a positive Self- Esteem
Good Self Esteem Leader to others Accept failure Doesn’t submit peer pressure Make healthy choices Believes in self Willing to try and learn new things Form friendships Change the bad Advantages

9 How Self-Esteem is Formed
All children are born believing they are the center of the universe. They do not worry too much about what anyone else thinks. However, within the first few years, children perceive how the most important people in their lives (caregivers) see them. Their image of themselves becomes a reflection of their caregivers image of them. They then behave the wav they see themselves and become whatever that image is.

10 A caregiver who thinks a child is a brat treats a child as though he/she is a brat. The child believes he/she is a brat, and acts like a brat, therefore, becomes a brat! A parent who thinks a child is wonderful, treats, him/her like he/she is wonderful. The child believes he/she is wonderful, and becomes wonderful!

11 Research has shown that the level of self esteem that is developed in childhood changes little over time… So what does this mean????

12 Fostering self-esteem
Provide more successes than failures for the child. Give them freedom to fail with acceptance. Give lots of encouragement. Give unconditional love. Allow independence. Eliminate the negative. Do not set standards unreasonably high. Avoid ridicule. Allow exploration and encourage questions Help your child develop talents. Take their ideas, emotions and feelings seriously. Give your children responsibility. Be available. Make them feel good about themselves, groom and take care of them, make sure physical needs are met.

13 Self- Esteem and You! 1. On your note sheet, draw a picture of your favorite outfit, shoes, accessory, etc. from when you were a child… 2. Underneath it write, how it made you feel! The way you feel contributes to your self –esteem! 

14 “Pop” The Negative Activity!

15 “Pop” The Negative Activity
Everyone take out a half sheet of paper to write your refection on.  Steps: Blow up a small balloon (small enough so it is able to fit inside of a brown bag)

16 “Pop” The Negative Activity
Steps: 2. On the blown up balloon, write everything you do not like about yourself.

17 “Pop” The Negative Activity
Steps: 3. Place your blown up balloon inside the paper bag.

18 “Pop” The Negative Activity
Steps: 4. As a class, stand up and place your wrapped balloons on your seats.

19 “Pop” The Negative Activity
Steps: 5. Once I count to three, Sit down at the same time, popping your balloons as you sit. *** ATTEMPT TO KEEP YOUR BROWN BAG IN ONE PIECE AND NOT DESTROYED!  ***

20 “Pop” The Negative Activity
1. Why did we wrap up the balloon in the brown bag? 2. How does this relate to self esteem?

21 Underline the top 3 qualities that are most important to you.
“Pop” The Negative Next, use your paper bag and write all of the things you like about yourself on the outside of the bag. Underline the top 3 qualities that are most important to you.

22 “Pop” The Negative 3. Why did we write the positive qualities on the outside of our bag? 4. How does this relate to self-esteem? 5. Why did we underline our top 3 qualities?

23 Next, we are going to place positive affirmations in each others bags!
“Pop” The Negative Next, we are going to place positive affirmations in each others bags!

24 “Pop” The Negative 6. How did writing positive affirmations to your peers make you feel? 7. How does this activity relate to self esteem?

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