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Flowers, seeds and genetics

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1 Flowers, seeds and genetics
PM class

2 Inherited trait A trait that is passed from parent to offspring
Example—eye color, hair color, skin tone, shape of facial features (eye, nose, mouth, ears, cheek bones), height, curly hair, blood type, diseases (diabetes, chance to get certain diseases)

3 Heredity The passing of inherited traits from parent to offspring

4 genetics The study of how heredity works

5 pollination The transfer of pollen from the male to the female part of the plant—usually by insects and animals

6 hybrid An organism produced by the crossing of parents that have two different forms of the same trait Example--eyes

7 Dominant trait The form of a trait that appears in the hybrid generation

8 Recessive trait The form of a trait that is hidden or masked in the hybrid generation

9 What is the female part of the flower?
The pistil There is only ONE. Located in the middle

10 What are the parts of the pistil?
The stigma (sticky top part) Style ( thin skinny part) Ovary (at the bottom—holds the ovules)

11 What is the female sex cells of the flower?

12 What is the male part of the flower?
Stamen More than one—surrounds the pistil

13 What is the stamen made of?
The anther (ball shaped)—has the pollen Filament (long skinny)

14 What is the male sex cells in the flower?

15 What are the sepals? Outside of the flower Protects the bud
Tougher than the rest of the flower

16 What is the purpose of the petals?
To attract insects and animals (pollinators) using their scent and color to pick up pollen and distribute it to other flowers.

17 What are the parts of the seed?
Seed coat Cotyledon embryo

18 How does a baby plant—embryo—get its food?
It gets it from the cotyledon

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