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Democracy and Progressivism

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1 Democracy and Progressivism

2 Government before Progressivism
As you saw in the video, political machines were controlling the government before the progressive era. What do I mean by political machines? Basically, it meant that those with the most money would influence and control the government. B. How about for the Senate? Before the Progressive Era, how were Senators elected? ANS: state legislature. C. Another thing that would happen is that party bosses chose and controlled the candidates that would run for the Presidency. Most often, they chose people who they could manipulate. - The American people were sick of these corrupt practices and wanted political reform.

3 Reform at the State Level
A. People wanted a more democratic government. What do I mean by “democratic”? ANS: government where there is equal representation. B. One of the main promoters of government reform was Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette of Wisconsin. C. He influenced many government reforms such as direct primaries. What are direct primaries? ANS: This means that voters can elect their party’s primary candidate for the presidential election. D. Other government reforms include: secret balloting - is just being able to make your vote in private booths. Initiative - it allowed a group of citizens to introduce legislation and required the legislature to vote on it. referendum - it allowed proposed legislation to be submitted to the voters for approval. recall - allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office before his or her term had expired.

4 Reform at Federal Level
One major government reform that occurred at the Federal level was the 17th Amendment, which said what ? ANS: the people were able to directly elect their senators. Previously, the state legislature elected the senators. All of these government reforms aimed at making the US a more DEMOCRATIC nation.

5 Suffrage Movement Even those policies were making the country more democratic women still lacked the right to vote (suffrage). What was life like for women in the 1900’s? Cult of Domesticity – women’s place in the home, most jobs they could get was as domestics, few legal protections and no political rights  A married woman had no separate legal identity from that of her husband. She had no right to control her biological reproduction and no right to sue or be sued. She had no right to own property in her own name or to pursue a career of her choice. Women could not vote, serve on juries, or hold public office. B. One of the main promoters of women’s suffrage was Alice Paul How did she try and get women the right to vote? National American Women’s Suffrage Association leader, use protests and hunger strikes (radical) C. Another promoters of women’s suffrage was Carrie Chapman Catt -How did she help women get the right to vote? Replaces Paul as NAWSA leader, uses politics - put money and support behind pro-suffrage candidates and defeats anti-suffrage candidates D. Which amendment finally gave women the right to vote? 19th Amendment (august )

6 Social Welfare Progressivism

7 Child Labor Problems Fixes 9-10 hr days 60 cents a day
Dangerous work left many crippled or permanently injured Fixes Minimum age to work Minimum hours Compulsory ecducation

8 Health Codes Problems Fixes Contaminated food Dirty factories
Sanitation laws Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug act

9 Safety Codes Problems Fixes Unsafe machines Fire hazards
No compensation if hurt Fixes Zoning Laws Fire escapes Insurance funds

10 Prohibition Problems Fixes Money spent on booze
Lead to crime, abuse, sickness, accidents Saloons tied to political corruption Fixes Laws limiting consumption Dry Towns Anti-Saloon League Prohibition movement

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