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Presentation on theme: "Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time

2 Understanding Timelines
To help us visualize time we use what is called a timeline Divide timeline into segments to shows year

3 Understanding Timelines
A historical timeline is just like a normal timeline with zero in the middle Two year 200’s? To break it up historians agree that before Jesus was born is callec BC (Before Christ) and after he was born is called AD (“Anno Domini” In the year of our Lord)

4 Understanding Timelines
Time divisions were developed by Christian historians Recently, new division names have been created to be more sensitive to non-Chrisitians “BC” became BCE (before the common era) “AD” became CE (common era)

5 Extra Lingo Ok so how many years are between 1200 BC and 120 AD?
10 years = decade 100 years = century 1000 years = millenium Ok so how many years are between 1200 BC and 120 AD?

6 Extra : Answer 1200 to 0 is…. 0 to 120 is…. 1200 years 120 years So…..
1320 years in total

7 Lets practice!

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