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Presentation on theme: "Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review

2 Comes in Different Forms
What is energy? Comes in Different Forms

3 More questions… How is energy like money?
Anything moving has what kind of energy? What two things determine how much kinetic energy something has? Which has a greater effect on kinetic energy?

4 Potential Energy

5 Not all energy has to do with motion…
How can an apple in a tree have energy?

6 Potential Energy Stored energy due to an object’s position

7 When released, potential energy is transferred into kinetic energy

8 Potential Energy comes in different forms
Elastic Potential Energy Chemical Potential Energy Gravitational Potential Energy

9 Elastic Potential Energy
Energy stored by something that can stretch or compress

10 Chemical Potential Energy
Energy stored in chemical bonds

11 Gravitational Potential Energy
Energy stored by objects above the Earth’s surface

12 Which Type of Potential Energy?

13 Which Type of Potential Energy?

14 Which Type of Potential Energy?

15 Which Type of Potential Energy?

16 Which Type of Potential Energy?

17 Which Type of Potential Energy?

18 Gravitational energy depends on 3 things:
Mass of the object Mass is measured in kg

19 Gravitational energy depends on 3 things:
Acceleration due to gravity On Earth, acceleration is 9.8 m/s²

20 Gravitational energy depends on 3 things:
Height above the ground Measured in meters

21 Gravitational Potential Energy Equation
GPE = m x 9.8 m/s² x h Remember all energy can be measured in Joules

22 Practice! A 3 kg ball starts to fall from a height of 12 meters. How much gravitational potential energy does that ball have at that height? GPE = m x 9.8 m/s² x h

23 Changing GPE Which objects have the most gravitational potential energy? Duck and picture are the same height; which has the most GPE? Can something lower have more GPE than something higher?

24 Different Energy At Work
When an object falls, it begins moving and has kinetic energy as well as gravitational potential energy because it is above the ground. As it continues, KE increases because it moves faster, and GPE decreases because it is lower to the ground

25 Practice GPE = m x 9.8 m/s2 x h What is the GPE of a bowling ball with a mass of 1.5 kg and held 2 meters above the ground?

26 Practice GPE = m x 9.8 m/s2 x h A ball with a mass of 0.3 kg and a GPE of 30 J is how far above the ground?

27 Assignment John has an object suspended in the air. It has a mass of 50 kilograms and is 50 meters above the ground. How much work would the object do if it was dropped? Mrs. Jacobs dropped an object from 10 meters. She knows it did 50 joules of work. How much did it weigh?

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