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Ancient Americans Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Americans Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Americans Vocabulary

2 AD/CE BC/BCE Before Christ/Before Common Era Anno Domini/Common Era

3 Century قرن A period of 100 years

4 Bering Land Bridge از برینگ پل زمین
Former ice age link between present-day Alaska and eastern Siberia

5 Glacier توده یخ غلتان A large body of ice, slowly floating over a land mass

6 Indigenous Native to a particular region or area; originating where it is found

7 Pre-Columbian History of the Americas; before significant European settlement

8 Archeaology باستان شناسی
The scientific study of material remains (ex: fossils, tools) of past human life and activities

9 Polytheism پرستش خدایان متعدد
Belief in more than one god

10 Monotheism Belief in only one god

11 Sacrifice The offering of food, objects, animals or humans to God or the gods as an act of worship

12 Mesoamerica Region stretching from the central part of Mexico through the northern part of Central America (Aztec and Mayan civilizations located here)

13 Andes Mountain Range along the west coast of South America where the Inca built their civilization

14 Machu Picchu/Cuzco Sacred city in Peru/former capital of the Inca empire

15 Yucatan Peninsula Mayan civilization was located on the large peninsula that separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico

16 Maize Corn; a crop that was central to the lives of Early Americans

17 Pizarro Leader of the Spanish invasion of Inca lands

18 Cortes Leader of the invasion of Aztec lands

19 Conquistadors Group of Spanish soldiers

20 Moctezuma II Last Aztec emperor

21 Hieroglyphics Picture writing used by ancient civilizations

22 Olmec First major Mesoamerica civilization

23 Tenochtitlan Aztec capital city that was built on an island

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