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What do juniors study in English 3?

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1 What do juniors study in English 3?
MUG—Juniors study one concept of mechanics, usage and grammar each week throughout the year to prepare for standardized tests. All done electronically! Online practice and assignments at the beginning of the week. Test at the end of the week. In a week where your English class meets only twice, your test will be on the 2nd day that week. Literature—As juniors study a time period in US history, we study the corresponding time period in American Lit through novels and short stories. Writing—Reading journals, MLA format research paper, literary analysis essays on the novels that we read, and persuasive essays. 1. 2. 3. So when you’re studying the Great Depression, we’ll read Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath.

2 What else do juniors study in English 3?
Another very important piece of the English 3 curriculum is the career piece. Highlights of the junior year career curriculum include resumes and cover letters, a day-long job shadow in a career of interest and follow up activities that go along with that (paper on experience, iMovie on experience, thank you letters, evaluations), and a study of literature with a work-based theme.

3 Junior year is VERY test-heavy
PSAT=Wednesday, October 14. Test is given here. $15 fee. Qualifier for National Merit Scholarships. 90% of our juniors take this test, mostly as good prep for ACT. Practice ACT=Wednesday, Sept. 30 ASVAB=Weds. in November. Test is given here. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Administered by members of the Armed Service. Given for the excellent career piece ACT=5 times between now and June. WCHS offers a week prep course in March for the April test. $38 fee without writing test; $54.50 with writing. Visit for more information! Common Core=in April. Open Campus as a senior hinges on performance on the test.

4 See Course Descriptions
See Class Rights and Responsibilities

5 Please don’t... Pack up and leave your seat before the bell rings (my biggest pet peeve!) Work until the bell rings. You have 4 minutes to get where you are going next. Use your cell phone unless you ask permission. (Entering the number of your job shadow…) Talk while Mrs. R or any guest speaker in the classroom or any student asking or answering a question is talking.

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