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Vocabulary & Portfolio

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary & Portfolio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary & Portfolio

2 Turn in Character Analysis Essay and Rubric!

3 Daily Reading Please read your silent reading material.

4 Vocabulary Semester 1 Meticulous Urbane Sagacity Edify Muse Malleable
Bucolic Eloquent Halcyon Ego Grat Inter Nov Advocate Lethargic Scrutinize Sporadic

5 Vocabulary Semester 2 Astute Haughtiness Extraneous Pragmatic
Vindicate Articulate Candor Aloof Depravity Haughtiness Pragmatic Devious Exuberance Ostentatious Flagrant Aberration

6 Garrulous Adj Loquacious; wordy; talkative
During lectures, the professor could occasionally become overly garrulous.

7 Emulate V Imitate; rival
They were able to emulate the achievements of their predecessors.

8 Obliterate V Destroy completely
During the rally, the co-captains of the team promised to obliterate their opponent.

9 Nefarious Adj Evil, utterly immoral or wicked.
After all, we are each nefarious in our own, individual way.

10 Portfolio Assembly Binder Tabs 50 page protectors

11 Tab 1: High School Records
Tentative Resume Transcripts College Entrance Exam Results Resume Goals Activities Record/Reflections

12 Tab 2: Community Service
Community Service Project Reflections/Log Pictures of Community Service (if possible)

13 Tab 3: Scholarships Scholarship Research Packet Potential Scholarships

14 Tab 4: College & Career Career Research Essay College Mini Book
College Visit Reflections

15 Tab 5: Writing Transition List Organization of a Paper Template
Timed Writing Resources Reflections on Philosophical Chairs/Socratic Seminars Character Analysis Essay

16 Tab 6: Vocabulary Better Word Choice List Vocabulary List
Comprehensive Vocabulary Project

17 Tab 7: Tutorials Tutorial Reflections (based on individual grading)
Examples of Best TRFs Costa’s Levels of Questioning Resource

18 Tab 8: Life Skills Mock Interview Getting a Job Basic First Aid
Cost of Living Stretching your Dollar Laundry/Sewing College Safety Reading Nutrition Labels Financial Investments

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