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Free Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Enterprise

2 Free Enterprise – Basic Principles
An economic system based on limited Government intervention. BASIC PRINCIPLES: Freedom of Ownership Competition Risk Profit


4 Freedom of Ownership Individuals Businesses
We can own property / goods We can choose what property we buy We can choose what we do with property We can own business (keep money) Businesses Businesses can sell what they want Businesses can sell for what they want

5 Free Enterprise COMPETITION

6 Competition Essential part of Free Enterprise !! WHY? Motivation:
Companies make better products / cheaper Individuals work harder / improve

7 Competition Two ways businesses compete: Price Competition
Non-Price Competition

8 Competition Price Competition
All other things being equal, customers will buy the lowest price. Wal-Mart: “Always the lowest price – always”

9 Competition Non-Price Competition Quality of Products - Rolex
Features of Products - Whopper Service and Financing - Wallside Business Location Eleven Reputation - Coca-Cola

10 Competition Monopoly - One firm controls the market for a given product. - NO COMPETITION - Why is it Bad? Can control price Can control choice, quality, who get it

11 Free Enterprise ASSIGNMENT

12 Non-Price Drawing Consider as many non-price factors as possible that McDonalds’s uses to compete (Minimum five factors) 20 points Illustrate each factor on construction paper List the factors on the back of the drawing or incorporated in drawing.

13 Free Enterprise RISK

14 Risk the potential for loss or failure.
Necessary hazard of Free Enterprise. Risk involved with: Personal investment (products / money) New Business New products / technology (high cost)

15 Elected President of United States – Age 51
Who am I ? Ran for Speaker - Lost – Age 29 Failed in Business – Age 22 Elected to Congress – Age 37 Ran for Vice President - Lost – Age 47 Failed in Business AGAIN – Age 24 Girlfriend Dies – Age 26 Ran for Congress - Lost – Age 34 Ran for Senate AGAIN - Lost – Age 49 Elected to Legislature – Age 25 Ran for Senate - Lost – Age 46 Ran for Legislator - Lost – Age 23 Ran for Elector - Lost – Age 31 Has Nervous Breakdown – Age 27 Ran for Re-election - Lost – Age 39 Elected President of United States – Age 51

16 Free Enterprise PROFIT

17 Profit Money earned from business AFTER all costs and expenses are paid. Is the incentive for people to take risk. THE DRIVING FORCE OF FREE ENTERPRISE

18 Economic Cost of Unprofitable Firms
In groups of 3 or 4: Brainstorm all the potential ECONOMIC COSTS you can think of if a firm is unprofitable. (What bad things can happen?) 3 minutes

19 Profit Economic COST of unprofitable firms: Lay-offs
Investors lose money Research cutbacks (technology) Purchases get cut back (suppliers suffer) Government suffers (less taxes)

20 Economic Cost of Unprofitable Firms
In groups of 3 or 4: Brainstorm all the potential ECONOMIC BENEFITS you can think of if a firm is profitable. (What good things can happen?) 3 minutes

21 Profit Economic BENEFIT to successful firms.
Hire More People / Higher Pay Investors make money New Technology Government makes more (taxes) Give to Charities Attract Competition (Beneficial to customer)

22 Free Enterprise ASSIGNMENT

23 Current Event Find article relating to Free Enterprise
100 word response Describe why the article relates Article showing U.S. inhibiting Free Enterprise Describe why the event is inhibiting Free Enterprise

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