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Helpful Hints from The Official SAT Study Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Helpful Hints from The Official SAT Study Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helpful Hints from The Official SAT Study Guide.
Cracking the SAT Helpful Hints from The Official SAT Study Guide.

2 Before the Test Learn the directions for all eight types of questions.
Know what to expect: the types of questions, the number of questions, and the order of the test. Learn the approaches for each of the eight types of test questions.

3 During the Test Read and think carefully. Consider all choices in each question. Don’t lose points on easy questions through careless mistakes. Use your test booklet. *Mark questions you don’t answer so that you can find it easily again. *Draw a line through each choice as you eliminate it when you work on a question. *Mark sections, sentences, or words in reading passage.

4 Continued… Check your answer sheet regularly to make sure you are in the right place. Pacing and timing: keep moving through the test! You are only allotted a certain amount of time for each section. Spend time of questions you are most likely to answer correctly and leave some time for review.

5 Easy Does It Work at an even, steady pace, but keep moving.
Most questions within a section range from easy to hard. Keep track of time during the test. Know which questions are best for you. Skip questions. All questions are worth the same number of points – if you can’t answer a question, move to the next one. (Mark the question in your test booklet so you can find it later!) Answer the easy ones first!

6 Making an Educated Guess
When you’re not sure of an answer, try making an educated guess. Multiple-choice questions. When you are not sure of an answer, eliminate all the wrong choices and make an educated guess from the remaining choices. If you can’t eliminate any choice, move on. You can return to the question later if there is time.

7 Feeling Confident Think positively. Negative thoughts will just distract you from doing your best. Stay focused. Think only about the question you are trying to answer. Concentrate on your own progress. Don’t pay attention to what others are doing in the room.

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