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Learning A.P. Psychology.

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1 Learning A.P. Psychology





6 Learning Learning Behaviorism 2 types of learning
1. Associative Learning Conditioning 1. Classical Conditioning 2. Operant Conditioning 2. Observational Learning

7 Classical Conditioning
Ian Pavlov Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response

8 Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditioned Response Conditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus

9 Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response

10 Acquisition Contiguity Contingency

11 Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning or Instrumental Conditioning Consequences of a behavior change the probability of the behavior's occurrence. Voluntary behavior New restaurant Contingency

12 E.L. Thorndike Cats Law of Effect
Consequences of a behavior will influence whether of not a behavior will reoccur.

13 B.F. Skinner Process of learning Project Pigeon or Project Orcon
Skinner’s Box Shaping

14 Principles of Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement 2 types Escape Learning Avoidance Learning Learned Helplessness

15 Types of Reinforcement
Primary Reinforcement Secondary Reinforcement Token Economy Generalization Discrimination Extinction

16 Reinforcement Schedules
Continuous Reinforcement Partial Reinforcement Schedules Ratio Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Interval Fixed Interval Variable Interval

17 Punishment Positive Punishment Negative Punishment
Immediate vs Delayed Reinforcement Immediate vs delayed punishment Physical punishment Drawbacks of Punishment Effective Punishment

18 Applied Behavior Analysis

19 Observational Learning
Bandura 4 main processes 1. Attention 2. Retention 3. Reproduction 4. Reinforcement and Motivation

20 Cognitive Factors of Learning
Purposive Behavior E.C. Tolman Expectancy Learning Latent Learning Insight Learning Wolfgang Kohler

21 Biological Factors Biological Constraints Instinctive Drift

22 Psychological Constraints
Carol Dweck 1. Fixed Mindset 2.. Growth Mindset Strategies intelligence and thinking skills are not fixed become passionate about learning Think about your role models Begin Now!

23 the removal of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that behavior Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Positive Punishment Negative Punishment Extinction

24 learning that occurs through observing and imitating another's behavior
Cognitive Approach Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Latent Learning Observational Learning

25 unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior
Acquisition Extinction Latent Learning Operant Conditioning Learned Helplessness

26 a form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden idea into or understanding of a problem's solution Renewal Insight learning Spontaneous Recovery Habituation Shaping

27 performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation
Discrimination Acquisition Instinctive Drift Law of Effect Generalization

28 the presentation of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that behavior [ex: a head nod, giving a dog a treat when it does a trick] Generalization Positive Reinforcement Insight Learning Operant Conditioning Negative Reinforcement

29 does not take any conditioning for the learner to find it pleasurable [ex: food, water,]
Instinctive Drift Avoidance Learning Aversive Conditioning Primary Reinforcer Extinction

30 the tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning
Instinctive Drift Avoidance Learning Negative Reinforcement Shaping

31 learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response Aversive Conditioning Positive Reinforcement Classical Conditioning Observational learning Latent Learning

32 a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience
Extinction Operant Conditioning Punishment Learning Preparedness

33 an organism's learning through experience with negative stimuli that it has no control over negative outcomes Extinction Latent Learning Shaping Learned Helplessness Counterconditioning

34 The type of learning associated with Burhuss Frederick Skinner is?
Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Respondent Conditioning Observational Learning Latent Learning

35 In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, the meat served as a(n)
Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response Unconditional Stimulus Unconditioned Response Instinctive Drift

36 The highest and most consistent rate of response is produced by a _________Schedule.
Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval Renewal

37 When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus____ will soon take palce. Generalization Discrimination Extinction Aversion Partial Reinforcement

38 In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, salivation to meat was the
Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response Unconditional Stimulus Unconditioned Response Instinctive Drift

39 Punishment is a controversial way of controlling behavior because
Behavior is not forgotten and may return. Punishing stimuli often creates fear. Punishment often increases aggressiveness. Punishment does not always teach the child the correct behavior. All of the above.

40 The Piecework or commission method of payment is an example of which reinforcement schedule?
Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval Renewal

41 Putting on your coat when it is cold outside is a behavior that is maintained by
Discrimination Learning Punishment Negative Reinforcement Classical Conditioning Generalization

42 In promoting observational learning , the most effective models are those that we perceive as:
similar to ourselves. respected and admired. successful. more attractive all of the above.

43 Learning that takes place without reinforcement was studied by this man.
Bandura Skinner Tolman Kohler Pavlov

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