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Personality A2 PE.

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1 Personality A2 PE

2 Matthew Syed Bounce – Champions are not born but made

3 Personality Tennis Tantrums Baseball Mike Bassett vs Brendan Rodgers
Create a list of Personality Traits

4 PERSONALITY Definition – The unique, enduring, stable individual characteristics of a person. Our personality influences all that we do in sport.It affects things such as aggression, motivation, leadership, concentration.

A trait is a characteristic of personality which is inherited from birth Traits are innate forces causing an individual to act in a certain way. Traits are arranged in hierarchical order with primary traits over secondary traits Eysenck recognised four personality types 1.Neurotic and extrovert 2.Stable extrovert 3. Stable introvert 4. Neurotic introvert

6 restless Moody Neurotic (unstable) anxious touchy pessimistic aggressive excitable reserved impulsive unsociable optimistic quiet active Introvert Extrovert careful sociable thoughtful outgoing peaceful talkative easygoing controlled lively reliable carefree calm leadership Stable

7 The ‘narrow band’ approach to personality
Arising from the trait perspective is the ‘narrow band’ approach. This identifies two personality types which are genetically inherited

8 Narrow Band Type A Highly competitive Strong desire to succeed
Works fast Likes to control Prone to stress Type B Non – competitive Unambitious Works more slowly Does not enjoy control Less prone to stress

9 Drawbacks of trait theory
It is an unreliable predictor of behaviour Trait theory does not take into account environmental experiences

Personality is a product of nurture This theory suggests that all behaviour is learned through interaction with the environment. Therefore, the response made by an individual cannot be predicted Bandura’s theory We imitate the behaviour of others through observation – modelling New behaviours are acquired through reinforcement

11 Interactionist theory of personality
Personality is a product of both nature and nurture Equation B= F(PE) This theory combines trait and social learning theories and is generally accepted to be a more realistic explanation e.g. Person has a trait of aggression. By observing others behaving aggressively their own aggressive tendencies are reinforced. They then subsequently display aggression in the same situation

12 Hollander’s concentric ring theory
1 2 3

13 The psychological core – The ‘real you’ The real self, never revealed.
2. Typical responses - the usual responses to an environmental situation. This may be an attitude such as learned helplessness 3. Role related behaviour – the surface of personality. Determined by our perception of the environment at any given time. May explain irrational responses like aggression


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