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The Legacy of Colonization

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1 The Legacy of Colonization
Socio-Economic Stats (Sad Stats)

2 Socio Economic Statistics
Defined: a combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based primarily on income, education, and occupation (among others)

3 BC Income Stats

4 BC Education Stats

5 The Statistics tell the story
Income Statistics: -The average income of FN people is only 70% of the average income of other Canadians (FNs will on average earn 30% less income per year) -the household income of FN families is 40% lower than the national average ($21,800 vs $38,000) Education Statistics: -across Canada, FN’s on average have lower attendance rates, are less likely to graduate and take longer to graduate -in 2001 only 38% of on-reserve FN’s graduated from high school (vs. 69% of non-FN’s)

6 Statistics Cont’d… Housing Statistics:
-in 2000 over 50% of FN homes (both on and off reserve) failed to meet basic housing standards -in 1991 a Stats Canada report found that 2 times as many FN homes had no piped water, five times as many did not have bathroom facilities an ten times as many did not have a flush toilet and the average number of people per household was 30% greater Attawapiskat

7 Statistics Cont’d… Incarceration Statistics
-FN’s account for only 3% of the federal population yet represent 20% of the federal incarceration rates (2005, Stats Canada) -Aboriginals are 6 times more likely to be involved in the Justice System

8 Statistics Cont’d… Health Statistics and Problems:
Tuberculosis  a bacterial disease that was brought to BC from Euros. -it affects the lungs or bones and is spread by coughing and sneezing – it prevails in substandard conditions (on reserves, residential schools) -Tuberculosis is 8 to 10 times higher among FN’s (compared to non-FN) -killed many FN children and elderly up until the 1980s Diabetes  endocrine disease caused by poor diet -leads to major health complications such as blindness, heart attacks and strokes -diabetes rates are 2 to 3 times higher among FN’s (compared to non-FN) -FN’s never had Diabetes until after WWII – this coincides with the shift from traditional hunting gathering lifestyle to the sedentary reserve lifestyle Alcoholism  social and addictive disease that was introduced by Europeans -originally a trade item -has managed to trap many FN’s in its cycle of addiction -has led to health concerns  heart disease, liver disease, hepatitis and various cancers


10 Statistics Cont’d…. Health Statistics and Problems Cont’d …
HIV/Aids: newest disease to threaten FN people -there are warning signs that it may be a concern in the near future -15% of new HIV/Aids infections are happening to FN’s The Result of these Health Problems: Life expectancy  is nearly 10 years less than non-natives Infant mortality  is three times higher Violence  33% of all FN deaths are related to violence vs. only 8% Suicide  FN youth are 5 to 6 times more likely to commit suicide

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