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Rome By Andrew C. Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome By Andrew C. Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome By Andrew C. Jackson

2 Historical Highlights (346)
Legendary Beginnings (753 B.C.) Romulus and Remus The Roman Republic ( B.C.) Julius Caesar Growth of the Roman Empire (27 B.C.-A.D. 200) Augustus defeated Antony and Cleopatra Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (A.D )—Vandals and Visigoths.

3 People and Society Patricians Plebeians Urban Poor Army Slaves
Women in Ancient Rome Much better than most societies

4 Arts and Culture Architecture and Engineering Concrete Arch

5 Public Entertainment Circus Maximus Colosseum

6 Law and Government Principles of Roman law
All people have the right to equal treatment under the law. A person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof rests with the accuser rather than the accused.

7 Art and Sculpture—frescoes Religion (polytheistic)
Literature Cicero-philosophical essays Virgil Horace Livy/Tacitus Plautus/Terence Ovid Metamorphoses

8 Connect to Today Government at work Action in the arena Master builders The legacy of language 2 ½ minute level one response on one of the four areas above from Connect to Today.

9 The endeth Created by Andrewus Jacksonus CM

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