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Find all the zeros of the functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Find all the zeros of the functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Find all the zeros of the functions.
Students, Take out your calendar and your homework. Take out your spiral notebook and Complete the DNA. Use your notes if necessary. Find all the zeros of the functions. Hint : List the possible zeros and test them. 2) Simplify.

2 JIGSAW Go into pairs, then group into 4’s number off from 1 to 4.
Depending on your number, you will do the following problems on the next slide: Student #1: #4, 6 Student #2: #8, 10 Student #3: #14, 16 Student #4: #24, 26 Write down the problem numbers you will do now.

3 Next Formation of “expert” groups 2 groups of each number (1’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s) Work out only your problems in your expert groups (10 minutes.) Make sure your entire group agrees on the solutions.

4 Next Return to your original groups
Complete all exercises on the slide. If you get stuck on a problem, ask your group’s expert.

5 Graph the following functions.


7 Find the domain, vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes, zeros, and y-intercept of the functions. Are there any slant asymptotes?

8 Divide. Use synthetic division.

9 Perform the indicated operations.

10 Find the domain of the following functions.

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