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3 Important Civilizations

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1 3 Important Civilizations
Foundations Period Up to 600 BCE Chapter 1-3 P: autocracies, political leaders usually tied to the gods E: agriculture based on rivers, wealth tied to land, specialized jobs R: mostly polytheistic, except Judaism in Israel, and Confucianism and Daoism in China S: social hierarchies, patriarchal, permanent settlements I: monumental buildings, written languages A: monumental buildings, jewelry, pottery N: river-valley civilizations 3 Important People Abraham: considered the first prophet of monotheism, established Judaism Hammurabi: example of an autocratic leader, established a justice system in Babylon Confucius: founded Confucianism which has impacted Chinese culture for over 2,000 years 3 Important Civilizations Mesopotamia: considered first civilization in history Egypt: successful agriculture along Nile China: first Chinese dynasties established Although most societies were polytheistic, the first monotheistic religion, Judaism, was established. In China, the philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism began. Although civilizations traded with nearby societies, there were no major international trade routes yet.

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