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Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 Session 1, 11 Mar 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 Session 1, 11 Mar 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 11:30-12:30 e-mail: Session 1, 11 Mar 2014

2 Coursebook: Javornik Čubrić, M., English for Tax Administration Study, Društveno veleučilište u Zagrebu, 2009. + additional materials presentations available at -> Teaching materials

3 1. 11 Mar 2014 – Introduction to the Course 2. 18 Mar 2014 – Money and Personal Finance 3. 25 Mar 2014 – Banking and Investments 4. 1 Apr 2014 – General Tax Law 5. 15 Apr 2014 – Principles of Taxation 6. 22 Apr 2014 – Taxes in Croatia 7. 29 Apr 2014 – Value Added Tax 8. 6 May 2014 – Personal Income Tax 9. 13 May 2014 – Final revision End-of-term test 10. 20 May 2014 – End-of-term test 11. 27 May 2014 – Signatures and Tutorials

4 Oral examination (preceded by a written qualifying test) Attendance optional but recommended Regular attendants can take the exam early

5 Mastering relevant vocabulary Being able to talk about the topics covered by the curriculum, using relevant terms The extra material covered in class will help you understand the content and prepare for the exam The exam will test the knowledge of the content presented in the coursebook and presentations

6 presentations presentations on topics related to the curriculum duration: 15-20 minutes 2 students prepare each presentation as a joint project minimum 3 sources must be consulted (e.g. one main and two additional)

7 Before giving the presentation, students MUST: consult the lecturer about the topic consult the lecturer about the sources show the entire PP presentation, as well as the outline and notes at least one week before giving the presentation consult the lecturer about the pronunciation of difficult words

8 REWARD for participating in a successful presentation: you can SKIP the oral examination HOWEVER... you still have to take the written test you MUST attend the classes

9 Some suggested areas: banking Ministry of Finance Tax Administration court system etc.


11 an account a balance a bill a loan a fee interest Discuss the meaning of these terms. Can you think of their Croatian equivalents? Can you find a logical connection between some of these words?

12 an account – (bankovni) račun a balance – stanje računa a bill – račun (za platiti) a loan – kredit, pozajmica a fee – naknada interest – kamata Think of typical verbs to use with these nouns! Discuss the meaning of these terms. Can you think of their Croatian equivalents? Can you find a logical connection between some of these words?

13 open/close an account check a balance pay/send/receive a bill take out/pay off a loan pay/charge a fee pay/charge interest Make a sentence for each collocation! Discuss the meaning of these terms. Can you think of their Croatian equivalents? Can you find a logical connection between some of these words?

14 Think of things you can do with money!

15 You can... lend borrow earn inherit run out of owe save raise pay refund... money

16 You can... lend – posuditi nekomu borrow – posuditi od nekoga earn – zaraditi inherit – naslijediti run out of – potrošiti sav novac owe – dugovati save – (u)štedjeti raise – prikupiti (od donacija) pay – platiti, dati novce za nešto refund – vratiti plaćen novac... money

17 1. Were organising a concert to.......... money for charity. 2. I.......... a lot of money for that car. It cost me over £20,000. 3. If youre unhappy with the product, just bring it back and well.......... your money. 4. Could you.......... me £5? Im flat broke. - You already owe me £10, so.......... it from somebody else. 5. When her father dies, shes going to.......... a lot of money. 6. Building has stopped because the construction company has.......... out of money. 7. Whats your salary? How much money do you.......... ? 8. I try to.......... some money each week. I usually manage about £20.

18 1. Were organising a concert to RAISE money for charity. 2. I PAID a lot of money for that car. It cost me over £20,000. 3. If youre unhappy with the product, just bring it back and well REFUND your money. 4. Could you LEND me £5? Im flat broke. - You already owe me £10, so BORROW it from somebody else. 5. When her father dies, shes going to INHERIT a lot of money. 6. Building has stopped because the construction company has RUN out of money. 7. Whats your salary? How much money do you EARN? 8. I try to SAVE some money each week. I usually manage about £20.


20 Dates and years 23.3.1984 23 Mar 1984 Mar 23 1984 1904 2000 Amounts £29.99 40p $15.25 $0.99 Decimals and percentages 75 % 0.5 % 95.75 4.125 Big numbers 7,250 150,256 1,000,000 (1m) 3m

21 Dates and years 23.3.1984, 23 Mar 1984, etc. the twenty-third (of) March nineteen eighty-four Mar 23 1984 March the twenty-third nineteen eighty-four 1904 2000 nineteen oh four (year) two thousand Prices £29.99twenty-nine pounds ninety- nine (pence) 40pforty pence, forty p /pi:/ $15.25fifteen dollars twenty-five (cents) $0.99ninety-nine cents Decimals and percentages 75 %seventy-five percent 0.5 %nought/zero point five percent 95.75ninety-five point seven five 4.125four point one two five Big numbers 7,250seven thousand two hundred and fifty 150,256 one hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and fifty six 1,000,000 (1m) one million 3mthree million always singular!!! NOTE: percent, hundred, thousand, million – always singular!!!

22 Write out these numbers in full: 1. 345,892 2. 123,456.789 3. $49.99 4. $32.02 5. 1979 6. 1801 7. 1910 8. 0.235 %

23 Write out these numbers in full: 1. 345,892 – three hundred and forty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-two 2. 123,456.789 – one hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six point seven eight nine 3. $49.99 – forty-nine dollars ninety-nine 4. $32.02 – thirty-two dollars two cents 5. 1979 – nineteen seventy-nine 6. 1801 – eighteen oh one 7. 1910 – nineteen ten 8. 0.235 % - nought/zero point two three five percent

24 Thank you for your attention!

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