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Frogs and Toads.

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Presentation on theme: "Frogs and Toads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frogs and Toads

2 Habitats for frogs and toads
forests grasslands lakes, ponds, marshes rivers and streams


4 Vs. Frogs have: Toads have:
- smooth or slimy skin warty and dry skin - strong, long legs and stubby bodies with short webbed hind feet hind legs - two bulging eyes glands behind eyes - lay eggs in clusters lay eggs in long chains Both are cold blooded because their body temperature adjusts with the outside environment.



7 glass Frog Red-eyed Treefrog poison dart frog White’s Treefrog Horned Toad Fire-bellied Toad

8 Ornate Horned Frog poison dart frog African Dwarf Frog Strawberry Poison Dart Frog

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