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Scales and Forecasting

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1 Scales and Forecasting
Earthquakes Scales and Forecasting

2 Reverse Fault Compression force – _______boundaries
Pushes on rocks causing to bend and sometimes break Rocks __________ fault are forced up and over rocks below ________ line _________ Mountains

3 Strike-slip Fault (Transform)
Shear Force No upward or down movement Surfaces snag and rocks are twisted and strained due to ___________ Short and sudden but can be slow and steady ____________Fault

4 Magnitude & Intensity Damage caused by Earthquakes depends on…
Distance to ________ Depth of ____________ –How far underground the earthquake occurs. Bedrock/_____________Types # and types of structures located in the area

5 Magnitude vs. Intensity
– measured force based on _________________that travel through the earth Measurable Intensity – What was felt? -What occurred? _____________ specific

6 Modified Mercalli Scale
Arbitrary set of definitions based upon… What people in area feel when earthquake occurs - Deals with the _____________ Their ________________ of damage to buildings Example: Is the chimney broken? Did the chimney totally fall over? Where the windows shattered? The scale is 1 to ______

7 Advantages Mercalli Scale
Great for use if happens in an __________ area of developed country. (lots of people can describe damages) Easy to use Do not have to use specific __________

8 Disadvantages of Mercalli Scale
No use in middle of _______ or places without buildings and tree. __________ specific – what appears to be “heavy” to one person may not be considered heavy for another.

9 Richter Magnitude Scale
Is the effects of any one earthquake varies greatly from place to place May be many intensity values (e.g. IV or VII) measured for same E-Q Each E-Q should have only one ___________ (e.g. 4.5 on the Richter scale) Based on _________ waves travel through Earth Deals mainly with the strength of the break, How much energy is released by the E-Q Tool to get an idea, Not Perfect


11 Richter Magnitude Scale
Allow us to compare earthquake magnitudes regardless of _____________ Good for small, nearby earthquakes Used from 1930’s to __________ It is logarithmic – metrics is comparable Meaning that each whole number step represents a ten-fold increase in measured amplitude. For example a magnitude of 7 E-Q is 10 times larger than a 6, and 100 times larger than a 5, and 1000 times larger than a 4. With each increase of 1.0 , the energy release increases by ________times.

12 Moment Magnitude Scale
Estimates the total _________ released by earthquake Good for all _______________ Measures ______ and ______ of waves and movement along faults Movement gives us more information When you hear “Richter” on the news, actually referring to Moment Magnitude Scale

13 Forecasting vs. Predicting
Forecasting – General statement about what will happen in future (not specific) Forcast something will happen in the future (not specific) We have the ability to __________________ Predicting – Specific statement with specific date We ____________have the ability to predict E-Q Animal behavior – ground animals come out of ground Radon Levels increase in ground water

14 Why are they so difficult to predict?
Many factors Movement – don’t know when Stresses Rock mechanical property (brittle of elastic Past movement – No History Seismic gaps _________ Levels Increase

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