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Introduction to Poetry

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1 Introduction to Poetry

2 What is poetry?

3 Poetry is . . . “. . . the best words in the best order.” Samuel Taylor “. . . the record of the best and happiest moments of the best and happiest minds.” Percy Bysshe Shelley “. . . the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” William Wordsworth “A poem begins with a lump in the throat, a home-sickness or a love-sickness. It is a reaching out toward expression; an efford to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where the emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words.” Robert Frost

4 Definitions of Poetry Poetry - A type of writing that uses language to express imaginative and emotional qualities instead of or in addition to meaning. Poetry may be written as individual poems or included in other written forms as in dramatic poetry, hymns, or song lyrics.

5 Some Elements of Poetry
Length Visual impressions Concentrated, intense language that makes deliberate sound effects which can involve rhythm, rhyme, or other sounds Written in lines and stanzas rather than sentences or paragraphs (Deeper) Meaning is gleaned from understanding the use of metaphor, symbol, imagery, etc.

6 Fixed or free form Fixed form is a poem that may be categorized by the pattern of its lines, meter, rhythm, or stanzas; a style of poetry that has set rules. Ex: sonnet, villanelle, limerick Free Form is a poem that has neither regular rhyme nor regular meter. Free verse often uses cadences rather than uniform metrical feet. Subject matter can cover the intellectually safe or the profane; the marginal or society…

7 Subject Matter of Poems
Love Poem, Political Poem, Metaphysical Poem, Confessional Poem Elegy (poem that reflects on death or solemn themes) Epithalamion (poem that praises a wedding) Proverb (a poem that imparts wisdom, learning, and aid memory) Found poem (poems that are discovered in everyday life) Pun (word play, humor, or cleverness--“Pasteurize: Too far to see.”) Epigram (short, witty, concise saying—can be sarcastic or parodic, about a person or an idea— “Swans sing before they die--'twere no bad thing / should certain people die before they sing!”)

8 Approaching poetry Any Suggestions??

9 How do you read a poem? - Look for punctuation in the poem telling you where sentences being and end. - Do not make a full stop at the end of a line if there is no period, comma, colon, semicolon, or dash there. - If a passage of a poem is difficult to understand, look for the subject, verb, and complement of each sentence. - Be alert for comparisons & for figures of speech. Read the poem slowly and out loud to help hear the “musicality” of the poem. Be patient, for poems can be ambiguous or confusing. Talk about it with others who have read it when possible. Read the poem several times!! Do outside research.

10 Stuff to Look For: Rhyme (end, internal, approximate)
**Hearing the Words Rhyme (end, internal, approximate) Rhyme scheme (Roses are red. . .abcb) Neologism (a new word or expression) Oxymoron

11 More Stuff to Look For: Lines - a single line of poetry.
Stanzas - a group of lines set off from the other lines in a poem; the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose. In traditional poems, the stanza usually contains a unit of thought, much like a paragraph. Tercet The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Punctuation – used for emphasis Structure of images / symbols within the poem Watch for colors, patterns, figurative language **DICTION

12 A few words on diction. . . Denotation Connotation Snake
any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles; having a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions evil or danger

13 Spoken Word I Wanna Hear a Poem Mixed Emoticons

14 Fixed Form

15 Types of Poems: Comparing forms - you will receive 2 poems
- in order to understand their form, we will compare & contrast the two poems

16 Types of Poems: FIXED FORM POEMS Sonnet
14-line poem with specific rhyme scheme English (a.k.a. Shakespearean) ababcdcdefefgg (three quartrains and a couplet) Italian (a.k.a. Petrarchan) abbaabbacdecde (octet, sestet, volta is between lines 8 and 9)

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