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Ancient Egypt Vocabulary

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1 Ancient Egypt Vocabulary
Sixth Grade Social Studies

2 Ancient Egypt Vocabulary
Anthropology: the science that deals with the origins, physical development, culture, social customs, beliefs and biological characteristics of human beings. Afterworld: the world after death. Archaeology: the scientific study of historic or prehistoric people and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated. Archaeologist: an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture. Artifact: an object found at an archaeological site during an excavation.

3 Ancient Egypt Vocabulary
Canopic jar: a jar used in Ancient Egypt to contain the organs of an embalmed body. Excavate: to unearth, dig up or uncover a site once occupied by humans. Hieroglyphics: Ancient Egyptian writing. Merchant: a person who trades goods and services as a profession. Mummify: to make a dead body into a mummy, as by embalming and drying.

4 Ancient Egypt Vocabulary
Pharaoh: an Ancient Egyptian king. Polytheism: the belief in more than one god. Prehistoric: occurring before written history. Sarcophagus: a stone coffin, especially one bearing sculpture and inscriptions.

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