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Developmental Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Psychology
Chapter 10 Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood

2 Personality Development
Erikson Children have developed a sense of individuality

3 Self Understanding Young children still use concrete observable features Age children start to use terms for descriptions Development of Guilt

4 Emotional Development
Self Conscious Emotion

5 Moral Development / Behavior
Morals develop through the interaction between peers and the individual Morals develop through

6 Moral Development : Piaget
Immanent Justice

7 Moral Development: Kohlberg
Preconventional Moral Reasoning Stage 1 – Stage 2 –

8 Gender Identity Social Role theory

9 Gender Identity: Social Cognitive Theory
Parental Influences Father Socialization Strategy Peer Influence Interaction in same sex groups

10 Gender Identity: Cognitive Influences
Gender Schema Theory

11 Epigenetic Theory Gender differences are genetic/environmental in origin

12 Parenting Styles Authoritative Indulgent Restrictive, punitive
Independent, still have limits Uninvolved Indulgent

13 Parenting Styles Co-parenting

14 Psychopathology Emotional Balance Behavior Internalizing Problems

15 Psychopathology Aggression Reactive

16 Peer Relations Play Functions

17 Play Types of Play Practice Play Pretense/Symbolic Play

18 Play Social Play Games

19 Children and the Media Average media use – hours per day
Children in the US watch more than other children

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