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2 Families Today 1.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Families Today 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Families Today 1

2 Did You Know? also changed the roles of parents

3 Objective Describe changes affecting families today.

4 Changes Affecting Families Today
Before the Industrial Revolution, families continued

5 Changes Affecting Families Today
During the Industrial Revolution,

6 What Do You Think? As families moved to cities,
How do you think current technology helps families stay in contact across long distances?

7 Objective Explain the role of families in today’s society.

8 Changes in Family Roles
Before the 1700s, continued

9 Changes in Family Roles
In contemporary families,

10 What Do You Think? What are some examples of the representation of childhood in the media?

11 Objective List the main advantages and disadvantages of living in different types of families.

12 Family Types Nuclear families Single-parent families Extended families
Stepfamilies Families with adopted children Foster families Guardians

13 Nuclear Families continued

14 Nuclear Families Disadvantages there is less exposure to other adults

15 Nuclear Families Advantages

16 Single-Parent Families

17 Single-Parent Families
Disadvantages continued

18 Single-Parent Families
Advantages Joint Custody

19 Extended Families continued

20 Extended Families Disadvantages continued

21 Extended Families Advantages

22 Stepfamilies Stepfamilies continued

23 Stepfamilies Disadvantages continued

24 Stepfamilies Advantages

25 Families with Adopted Children

26 Adoption Agencies and Independent Adoptions

27 Adoption Options and Rights

28 Adoption Options and Rights
In a closed adoption, Open adoptions continued

29 Adoption Options and Rights

30 Adoption Options and Rights

31 Adoption Issues Disadvantages continued

32 Adoption Issues Advantages

33 Foster Families Foster families continued

34 Foster Families continued

35 Foster Families Disadvantages continued

36 Foster Families Advantages

37 Guardians A guardian continued

38 Guardians 38

39 What Do You Think? Describe your idea of the typical family.
How has the typical family changed throughout history? How have those changes affected children and parents?

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