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Good morning! Here are your directions…

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! Here are your directions…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning! Here are your directions…
Sit by the…. Windows if you are drafting body paragraphs Middle if you are peer editing body paragraphs Computers if you are revising the body paragraphs Take out…. All of the materials for your essay (properly titled and headed in the correct order) A sheet of paper for notes Any necessary writing materials Your tablet or device (FACE DOWN IN CORNER OF DESK)

2 Notes: How to Write a Conclusion

3 Why Is This Important? People are most likely to remember either the first or last thing that they see or hear, so we have to make sure we leave a positive impression on our audience by ending on a strong, well-structured note.

4 Purpose of the Conclusion
To summarize the body of your essay To synthesize your main points To provoke the reader to think or act in a certain way based on the new knowledge they’ve gleaned as a result of reading your essay

5 Steps for Writing the Conclusion
REPHRASE THESIS: Concluding transition + your thesis statement in different words (1 sentence) SYNTHESIZE BODY: Summarize the key points from your body paragraphs and draw any necessary conclusions about how these points worked together to explain/prove your point (2-3 sentences) FINAL INSIGHTS: Leave the reader with a call to action (what can they do next?) or a text to world connection (what can they think next?) as a way to apply the knowledge they’ve gotten as a result of reading your essay (1-2 sentences)

6 You Do Continue with the stage of the writing process you are currently working on. You should be working independently UNLESS you are peer editing (in which case you are working with a partner) You may: Listen to music with headphones as you write Use your device to access the peer editing materials on the class website

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