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Download 7.4 Notes from the classroom website.

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1 Download 7.4 Notes from the classroom website

2 Ordered Sharing Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough. Franklin D. Roosevelt I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. Remember you are just an extra in everyone else's play. Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.

3 FDR & The New Deal Unit 7

4 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FDR beat Hoover in a landslide victory for the Presidency FDR promised, “a new deal for the American People”

5 New Deal – The First 100 Days
Brain Trust – group of highly educated advisors that Roosevelt collected to solve the depression problem. New Deal had 3 Goals Relief for the needy Economic recovery Financial reform

6 Reforming Banking A day after FDR took office he called for a bank holiday All banks closed Inspected all the banks Shut down the bad ones Reopened and aided the good ones Created the FDIC Federal Securities Act (FSA) Stock companies can be held liable for misrepresentation. Result: gave people back their trust in the banking system.

7 Alphabet Soup AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Act
Paid farmers to not grow food Paid hog farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs. CCC: Civilian Conservation Corp Created government jobs Planting trees, building roads, developing parks FERA: Federal Emergency Relief Administration Direct relief PWA / CWA – Public / Civil Work Committee Construction programs NRA – National Recovery Administration Set prices on goods TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority

8 Fireside Chats FDR spoke on the radio to the American people and explained to them what was happening and gave encouragement.

9 Critics Dr. Francis Townsend Father Coughlin Huey Long
“Share Our Wealth” program Persuaded the poor

10 2nd 100 days Supreme Court shot down the first new deal New programs
WPA – largest public welfare program to produce jobs Built airports and roads Social Security Act Old age insurance Unemployment Aid to disabled Reworked the First 100 Days Program “Court Packing Scheme”

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