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Year 7 – Literacy Festival

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1 Year 7 – Literacy Festival
In pairs/threes you must tell the story of ‘Matilda’ in 5 sentences in chronological order

2 Learning Objectives We will:
Explore characterisation of the main characters in Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda.’ Choose an appropriate ‘gestus’ for one of the main characters. Create a mime sequence of a key moment in the story. We will do this by: Working individually and in groups using the magic 3. Staying focused during performance, sustaining character.

3 Who is your favourite character from ‘Matilda?’
The Characters Who is your favourite character from ‘Matilda?’

4 Gestus….what is it??? Now we have discussed the main characters in Matilda you will create a pose for each one with us all working as a whole class. This is similar to an activity you did in Drama during Term 1. These poses are your Gestus for this character.

5 Pair Share Think back…. Can we remember the different ways that characters can move and what this can tell the audience about the character???

6 The five key points of the story
As a class we must decide the key moments of the story using the work from the beginning of the lesson.

7 How will we make this successful???
Activity In your groups you will re-create your event in the story using Mime. How will we make this successful??? You must be ready to show back to the rest of the group.

8 Review Using Kind, Specific and Helpful we will discuss the performances. This feedback will help us to improve our work next lesson.

9 For your Weebly Now you have had your first Drama lesson in this unit I want you to give yourself a target for next lesson. This can be written on your tablet or in your planner BUT I will expect to see it recorded on your Weebly.

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