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Literary Analysis- Performance Assessment Book

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1 Literary Analysis- Performance Assessment Book
Week 7-8 Literary Analysis- Performance Assessment Book

2 Performance Assessment- Literary Analysis Sources 1-3 Questions
IN P PA Book p Read the passages and answer the following questions based on the information provided: PA p. 75 Discuss and Decide PA p. 77 Discuss and Decide PA p. 79 Close Read PA p Answer Qs 1-7 based on the pages you have read. Please Write out the questions and your answers for each question.

3 Performance Assessment- Literary Analysis Respond to Qs on Step 2 Source
IN p. 93 Answer Qs 1-7 based on the pages you have read. Please Write out the questions and your answers for each question.

4 Performance Assessment- Literary Analysis Planning and Prewriting
IN p. 94 PA p. 82 Copy and complete the chart based off of the readings on p Be sure to fill in each section of the chart!

5 Performance Assessment Literary Analysis- Sources 1 and 2 Qs
IN p. 95 PA p Read the passages and answer the following questions based on the information provided: PA p. 89 Close Read PA p. 91 Discuss and Decide PA p. 93 Close Read Pa p. 94 Qs 1-3

6 Literary Analysis Planning and Essay
IN p. 96 PA p. 95 Complete the planning sheet for the literary analysis essay discussing “If—” and “Kipling and I”. Be sure to include evidence from the text to support your analysis. Then, IN p. 97 Write a 1-page literary analysis of “If—” and “Kipling and I”, discussing the universal themes that are explored in the two texts.

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