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Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

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1 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Ch. 5 Section 3

2 A. Enclosure Rich landowners (esp. in Britain) took over land that was shared by peasant farmers in order to create larger farms that produced more. Pushed farmers off their land and left them jobless.

3 B. Urbanization Out of work farmers. Population Growth
Demand for factory workers Cities were built around factories. Became polluted, unsanitary, and crime-ridden. URBANIZATION: People move to the cities.

4 New Social Classes Emerge
New Industrial Middle Class: Own/operate factories, mines, railroads. The new Bourgeoisie. Nice homes, fashionable clothes, comfy lifestyle. Women stayed home to raise kids. Benefited the most from the I.R. New Industrial Working Class: Mine & factory workers. Lived in dirty slums: small rooms, no running water or sewers. Spread of disease. Dangerous and exhausting work conditions. Women and children worked in factories.

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