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1 Cells

2 History Robert Hooke Observed cork from plants
“a great many little boxes” Reminded him of cubicles or “cells” where monks live

3 History Anton van Leeuwenhoek Cell Theory
First person to observe living cell Cell Theory All living organisms are composed of one or more cells Cells are the basic units of structure & function in an organism Cells come only from the reproduction of existing cells

4 Basic Types Prokaryotes Eukaryotes What is the difference?


6 What type of cell?

7 Cell Organelles Plasma membrane Nucleus Mitochondria Ribosomes
Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Vesicles Lysosomes, peroisomes Cytoskeleton Cell wall Vacuole Chloroplast

8 Organelles Plasma membrane Nucleus Mitochondria
Regulates what goes in & out of the cell Nucleus Controls the cell; where DNA is located Mitochondria Creates the energy for the cell. “Power House”

9 Organelles Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus
Builds proteins Endoplasmic Reticulum Moves molecules from one part to another Rough ER-ribosomes are attached Smooth ER Golgi Apparatus Packs, modifies, & ships proteins

10 Organelles Vesicles Cytoskeleton Cytoplasm Lysosomes-digestive enzymes
Peroxisomes-break down alcohol, bacteria, & fatty acids Cytoskeleton Gives cell shape Cytoplasm Holds organelles in place

11 Organelles (Only in Plants)
Cell Wall Rigid layer outside plasma membrane Vacuole Stores large amounts of water Chloroplast Where photosynthesis takes place

12 Plant vs. Animal Cells Mostly the same organelles EXCEPT Cell wall
Vacuole Chloroplast

13 Eukaryote Types Plant Cell Animal Cell

14 Cell Analogy Write an analogy using all the organelles found in both plant & animal cells Plasma membrane Nucleus Mitochondria Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Vesicles Lysosomes, peroisomes Cytoskeleton

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