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Writing is Thinking Body Paragraphs.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing is Thinking Body Paragraphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing is Thinking Body Paragraphs

2 Body Paragraph Construction
Topic Sentence

3 Body Paragraph Construction
Sentence #1 – Topic Sentence – TS Sentence #2 – Lead-In (summarize context) Sentence #3 - Concrete Detail #1 Sentence #4 – Commentary #1 Sentence #5 – Commentary #2 Sentence #6 – Transitional Phrase and Lead in Sentence #7 - Concrete Detail #2 Sentence #8 – Commentary #1 Sentence #9 – Commentary #2 Sentence #10 – Closing Sentence/Transition

4 Topic Sentence – TS The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph. Your topic sentence should always be the first sentence of your body paragraph. Your topic sentence should include information from your thesis statement.

5 Concrete Detail - CD A CD should be a direct quotation of a passage
A Concrete Detail is a specific example used to prove the essay’s attitude/argument In other words, what evidence from the story supports your thesis statement? A CD should be a direct quotation of a passage Concrete details are placed into the body paragraphs of your essay.

6 Introducing CDs Once you have found meaningful passages (Concrete Details) you need to present them in a way that makes their relevance and meaning clear to your readers. A good lead-in will: Summarize what is happening in the story at the time of the passage quoted. Be long enough to truly give the reader all the necessary background. Assume the reader is NOT familiar with the story. Use quality diction (word choice) appropriate for acadamia If the quote includes dialogue, the lead-in will summarize the character’s side of the conversation so the quote makes sense.

7 Commentary – (CM) Your own analysis, interpretation, and insight.
Commentary explains why the concrete detail you selected is significant. Your first sentence of commentary will be an analysis of how the quote supports the subject and argument of your topic sentence. Your second sentence of commentary will be an analysis of how the quote supports the focus of your topic sentence.

8 Body Paragraphs need a minimum of 2 Concrete Details

9 Closing Sentence or Transition Sentence
To finish your paragraph, write a closing/transition sentence. This sentence will either conclude the paragraph or link this paragraph’s idea to the next body paragraph.

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