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Response Essay on unit test:

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1 Response Essay on unit test:
This will be on your test and you can bring in a prepared answer for the test.

2 You are to respond to the following question by writing a persuasive essay
Climate change is real but how could you convince the public that this is true in Canada and could be especially an issue for us. How can we as a country help combat climate change? Be sure to include evidence. It should be proof read and show strong evidence of class discussions, lessons and videos.

3 How will it be evaluated
Target Audience correct /2 Evidence to support climate warming in Canada /10 Strategies of what can be done in Canada to combat it /10 What this will mean for Canadians in their lifetime /5 Introduction introduces the argument, has a hook and thesis /5 Body paragraphs include specific evidence that support the thesis /5 Conclusion restates thesis and supporting evidence /5 Organization, grammar and spelling /10 TOTAL on Test /52

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