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Understanding Essay Structure & Organization

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1 Understanding Essay Structure & Organization
5 Paragraph Essay Understanding Essay Structure & Organization © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

2 Writing a 5 paragraph essay is just like wearing a suit!
© Presto Plans © Presto Plans

3 Before Starting Your Essay (Or “Putting On Your Suit”)
1. Brainstorm for ideas 2. Choose one idea that you can support 3. Research 4. Organize your ideas into an outline (See next slides for HOW) © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

4 Your Introduction Your Introduction is very important. Think of it as the ‘Brain’ if your essay. In your introduction you should have the following: Your hook (a statement, question, idea to catch your reader’s attention) 2. Your thesis statement (the main argument of your essay) © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

5 Thesis Statement Example
John's strained relationship with his father is the most important contributing factor to his negative personality traits. This is demonstrated in his language, actions, and relationships with other characters. The main argument being made here is that John's father leaving is the most important influence on his personality. The three points that will be elaborated on in the next paragraphs are underlined. © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

6 Body Paragraphs Think of the body of the essay as the suit itself! This is where most of the information and details are found. There should be 3 body paragraphs © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

7 Body Paragraphs In each paragraph do the following:
State your first example/reason/argument from your introductory paragraph 2. List two or three specific details which relate to the argument 3. Provide support with examples, quotes, statistics, evidence etc 3. Conclude the paragraph Continue this in the other body paragraphs. © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

8 This is how each of the body paragraphs would be organized:
Example This is how each of the body paragraphs would be organized: Topic Sentence: John exhibits the impact of his father leaving through his language. Explanation Supporting Details Quotes Evidence Analysis Concluding sentence: It is clear that language shows the significance of his father's abandonment. This pattern continues for the other body paragraphs (actions, relationships) with the next points made in the thesis © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

9 Conclusion Example Think of the conclusion of the essay as the shoes! It is the "finishing touch" of the essay. © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

10 Conclusion Summarizing the main points of your essay
Your conclusion wraps up your argument by doing the following: Summarizing the main points of your essay Giving advice, making predictions, or drawing conclusions © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

11 Restate the main argument:
Conclusion Example Restate the main argument: After careful examination, it is evident that John's actions, language, and relationships convey a sense of abandonment. Then, to conclude the essay perhaps make a prediction about John's future development, give advice to your reader, or draw conclusions that you made through your research © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

12 Recap of Organization Introduction
(includes hook & thesis - mentions 3 main points) Body 1 Gives support and evidence to the 1st main points Body 2 Gives support and evidence to the 2nd main point Body 3 Gives support and evidence to the 3rd main point Conclusion Restates thesis and wraps up loose ends © Presto Plans © Presto Plans © Presto Plans

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