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Mrs. O’Donnell’s Second Grade Room 105.

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1 Mrs. O’Donnell’s Second Grade Room 105

2 What do we want for our children?
* To be successful * To be safe * To be responsible * To be respectful

3 Success Start With You! *Parents and families are the most important people in a child’s life. I will be your child’s teacher for one year. You are your child’s teacher every minute of every day for the rest of his or her life. *Your child will grow to meet the expectations we set for him or her.

4 Foundations of a Good Start
What kind of fuel are you giving your child? * Healthy breakfast * Vitamins * At least 10 hours of sleep per night * Proper clothing for the weather

5 Homework Our experience has shown that students do better in school when they are also practicing skills with their parents at home. Homework folders will come home every Friday and need to be returned by the following Tuesday. Parents must sign the assignment. Tips: * Pick one quiet and well lit place. * Pick a set time to do it. * Reduce distractions ( no TV, radio, etc.)

*Have your child sort the notes from the homework. *Read the notes together (unless their addressed only to you). *Sign necessary papers and have your child return them to the backpack immediately. * Comment on your child’s schoolwork. (positive comments) * Review your child’s schoolwork and work on problem areas.

7 Ways to Read With Your Child
Reading Aloud – This is when you reread the poem or booklet to your child, touching the words as you read. Echo Reading – This is when you read a phrase or sentence and then have your child echo the same words after you. Filling in the Gap – This is when you reread, but drop your voice and pause for your child to fill in the missing word. This can be done with any predictably or repetitive words in the poem/story, *****Please make sure your child reads every day at home. Twenty minutes to half an hour is a good time limit for a second grader. *****Discuss the book or story with your child. Ask your child what the story was about, their favorite part, if it reminds them of their own lives, and if they learned something. *****Read to your child whether it’s in Spanish or English. Again discuss the story with your child.

8 SPELLING Wordlists will come home on Monday.
The Trial Test will be on Thursday. The Final Test will be on Friday. Tips for Studying Spelling Words 1. Say the word aloud. 2. Spell the word aloud. 3. Close your eyes and spell it. 4. Write the word and then check if it is correct.

9 Volunteers Needed Activities Could Include:
*helping a child with a concept they are struggling with. *playing an educational game with a group of children *cutting out laminated projects * checking papers * anything you are comfortable with THE SCHOOL REQUIRES THAT YOU FILL OUT A FORM

10 How To Get Into My Website
Get into Internet Explorer Type in Godfrey Lee Schools and click on that site. Scroll down and you will see a school. Left click on the school. Left click on the “Early Childhood Center”. On the right you will see a set of quick links in a gray box. Left click on classrooms and then left click on 2nd grade. On the bottom lower left hand side will be a list of teachers. Left click on Mona O’Donnell.

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