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Tentative Due Dates March 21st- at least 20 notecards finished (the more the better for your essay) 10 notecards must be from the assigned articles (5.

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Presentation on theme: "Tentative Due Dates March 21st- at least 20 notecards finished (the more the better for your essay) 10 notecards must be from the assigned articles (5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tentative Due Dates March 21st- at least 20 notecards finished (the more the better for your essay) 10 notecards must be from the assigned articles (5 each assigned article) 10 notecards are from 3 other credible sources found March 23- outline due March 27- rough draft due March 28- peer review and edits with assigned partners March 28- entire essay project due

2 Risk Taking Questions Is society risking our environment in the name of progress? Are e-cigarettes risking the health of future generations? Sports: Is the game worth the risks? Are superstores and eating establishments putting American’s health at risk? Sample Argumentative Essay (how to set it up) I_XGvfjY8SNPOuBx9goA/edit?usp=sharing

3 Log onto Noodle Tools Go to the Lufkin website
At the top click “Students” Click “Media Center ” Click on “NoodleTools” Username- lunch number Password- Lufkin I will be checking your notecard periodically to ensure you are on the right path and giving you questions to contemplate.

4 Actively Learn Log In Go to Actively Learn
8th period class code- 5f818 9th period class code- 17ed2 3. Choose two articles that pertain to your chosen topic - risks in obesity - risks in sports’ injury - risks with e-cigarettes - risks with air pollution 4. Two articles ~10 notecards

5 NC Wise Owl Log In Go to the Lufkin website
At the top click “Students” Click on “Digital Resources” Scroll down to “NC WiseOwl” and click on it Choose “Middle School” then “Middle School Search Plus” This is the only database used on this argumentative essay. Do not use Google to find articles. From Home- wiseowl16

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