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Why do explorers seek out other worlds?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do explorers seek out other worlds?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do explorers seek out other worlds?
Get Ready to Read Why do explorers seek out other worlds? What are the different types of worlds that explorers seek out? What does the phrase other worlds mean to you? How do explorers reach other worlds? What movies, TV shows, or books have you seen about explorers?

2 What is the astronaut exploring in the photo?
Get Ready to Read Turn to pages What kind of world appears in the large background photo and the photo of the shark? What is the astronaut exploring in the photo? Who do you think of as modern-day explorers? Why do explorers seek out other worlds?

3 Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Listen for the following words as I read Animal Astronauts: Gravitational Stratosphere Terrestrial planet Voyage

4 Gravitational – of or having to do with the force of gravity
Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Gravitational – of or having to do with the force of gravity What is gravitational pull? Why does it cause the spacecraft to shake? Stratosphere – a region of atmosphere above Earth’s surface The rocket went through the stratosphere on its way into orbit. What do you know about the atmosphere and stratosphere? Terrestrial planet – one with land where creatures and plants grow, such as Earth Humans live on our terrestrial planet. What do you know about non-terrestrial planets? Voyage – a journey by water, through the air or through space They wanted to take a voyage to Mars in an interplanetary spaceship. What kinds of voyages have you heard about, both real and imagined?

5 Predict and Set Purpose
Read and Comprehend Predict and Set Purpose What do you predict the letter will be about? What made you think that? As you read, think about whether your prediction was correct.

6 What conclusions can you draw about how Lydia feels about Florida?
Read and Comprehend Draw Conclusions Forming an opinion about what you have read. Read the first paragraph of the letter on page 113. What conclusions can you draw about how Lydia feels about Florida? Finish reading page 113. What other details support the conclusion we made about how Lydia feels about Florida?

7 Read it a second time, using your voice level to express emotion.
Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice Read paragraph 2 with your group. Use your voice level to stress important words and phrases and to express emotion. Read it a second time, using your voice level to express emotion.

8 Read and Comprehend Word Definition Picture Caption Ego A person’s idea of his or her own importance or worth A self-confident person has a strong ego Hatch Intrepid Propulsion Silt Submersible Tentacles

9 1. poem 2. poetic 3. direct 4. direction 5. origin 6. original
Language Arts Spelling Pre-test 1. poem 2. poetic 3. direct 4. direction 5. origin 6. original 7. combine 8. combination 9. repeat 10. repetition 11. critic 12. criticize 13. history 14. historic 15. academy 16. academic 17. inspire 18. inspiration 19. depart 20. departure

10 Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns
Language Arts Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns Indefinite pronouns may not refer to specific words. They do not always have definite antecedents: Everyone likes the submersible. Some common indefinite pronouns are listed below: Singular Indefinite Pronouns someone, somebody, anyone, something, no one, either, each Plural Indefinite Pronouns few, several, both, others, many, anybody, everyone, everybody, all, some

11 with plural indefinite pronouns: Something hit Explorer.
Language Arts • Use singular verb forms with singular indefinite pronouns and plural verb forms with plural indefinite pronouns: Something hit Explorer. Some saw the squid. Reflexive pronouns reflect the action of the verb back upon the subject. Reflexive pronouns end in -self or -selves: The professor thought himself in charge. Singular Reflexive Pronouns himself, herself, myself, itself, yourself Plural Reflexive Pronouns ourselves, yourselves, themselves • There are no such words as hisself, theirself, theirselves, or ourself.

12 Read Heroes on the High Seas. Look for these key features:
Language Arts Drama Read Heroes on the High Seas. Look for these key features: Character list Setting Problem Dialogue Stage directions

13 Technical difficulties on a space shuttle
Language Arts Write a drama, using dialogue and stage directions, in which characters encounter a problem they must solve. Create a chart like this one and list possible ideas for your drama. Characters Problems Sea explorers Squid attack Hikers Lost in the woods Astronauts Technical difficulties on a space shuttle

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