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The spoke CM tests at FREIA

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1 The spoke CM tests at FREIA
What we have, what we plan, what we don’t know… Konrad Gajewski FREIA Laboratory

2 FREIA Laboratory - infrastructure
LHe cryo-plant The bunker Two 352 MHz 400 kW RF amplifiers RF switchboard, transfer lines, circulators, loads, etc. Horizontal cryostat (HNOSS) Deionized cooling water system Radiation monitoring system Oxygen deficiency detectors RF leakage detectors Weather station (temperature, humidity, pressure in the hall) 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

3 FREIA Laboratory – control system
EPICS (ICS Development Environment) All subsystems connected to EPICS PLC for slow control (water, vacuum, interlocks, radiation protection) µTCA LLRF and timing (LU) cRIO for fast interlocks (programmed in LabVIEW) Almost all data archived using archive appliance (and CS-Studio archiver as backup) CS-Studio BEAST alarm server CS-Studio BOY as a primary user interface LabVIEW Most of the laboratory instruments (oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, power meters, vector network analyzer) NI PXIe fast data acquisition (10 channels, 250 Ms/s, input bandwidth 800 Mhz, Self Exited Loop) 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

4 Tests done so far – gained experience
Copper cavity SEL RF calibration procedures instrumentation Single spoke cavity Cryogenics (cooling down, heat loads) gradient measurements Double spoke cavity power coupler and cavity conditioning (automatic procedure) high power tests: filling time, Lorentz force detuning Cold Tuner System 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

5 CM tests -warm RF check: cavity spectrum, external Q
CTS verification: piezo and step motor Calibration of the RF lines Interlock tests Coupler conditioning 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

6 CM tests - cold Recalibration of the RF lines
Cavity spectra (fundamental and HOM) Coupler and cavity conditioning Tests of the cold tuners (stepper motor, piezo) Q measurements (QL, Q0, Temperature effects on cavity tune Measurement of the cavity gradient X-ray emmission Electron activity in the coupler Dynamic RF losses Lorentz force detuning (measurement and compensation) Microphonics 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

7 Compatiblity FREIA - ESS
Common equipment for the tests: Instrumentation Power meters Scope, spectrum analyzer RF measurements µTCA LLRF we use it for the fast interlocks) NI PXIe Interlocks Arc detectors Multipacting detectors (threshold/ADC) Vacuum levels (threshold/ADC) Radiation monitors Quench detector 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

8 Problems to deal with Contact persons Valve box controls
New timing system CTS controls (piezo controller and software) PLC interface (S7-300 using standard s7plc driver from PSI) Laboratory instrumentation - EPICS support Missing: LLRF: broken CPU, signal generators, timing system, piezo controller Naming conventions, standard OPI (symbol library, color styles, etc) Test acceptance criteria Automatization of the test procedures (python, LabVIEW, Jupiter Notebook) Sharing the tests configuration, procedures and results (tools, standards) 26-Oct-2017 Konrad Gajewski – The spoke CM FREIA

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