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The Texas Revolution Take notes on the following slides.

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2 The Texas Revolution Take notes on the following slides.
The text in blue is the most important for you to know.

3 Spanish Texas The Spanish had been in the Americas since Columbus in 1492. Spain owned a large part of North America, including Texas.

4 Tejanos In 1821, only about 4,000 Tejanos lived in Texas.
Tejanos are people of Spanish heritage who consider Texas their home. The Spanish government tried to attract Spanish setters to Texas, but very few came.

5 Moses Austin An American, Moses Austin was given permission by the Spanish government to start a colony in Texas. All the Americans had to do was follow Spanish laws. Moses died in 1821, so his son Stephen Austin tried to start the colony.

6 In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain

7 Mexican Independence Changes Texas
The Mexican government told Stephen Austin his settlers would have to become Mexican citizens and members of the Roman Catholic Church, and learn Spanish. Between 1821 and 1827, Austin attracted 297 families to his new settlement.

8 The success of Austin’s colony attracted more land speculators and settlers to Texas from the United States. Some were looking for a new life, some were escaping from the law, and others were looking for a chance to grow rich. By 1830, the population had swelled to about 30,000,with Americans outnumbering the Tejanos six to one.

9 Rising Tensions in Texas
In 1829, the Mexican government outlawed slavery. The settlers wanted to keep their slaves so they could grow cotton. The Americans also didn’t want to learn Spanish or follow Mexican laws. Very few settlers had converted to Catholicism.

10 In 1829, the Mexican government closed the state to further American immigration.
Texans had to start paying taxes for the first time. Mexican president, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna sent more Mexican troops to Texas. Texans began talk of breaking away from Mexico. When Stephen Austin was jailed, the Texans did revolt. Santa Anna led 6,000 troops to Texas to put down the revolt.

11 The Alamo The first battle between the Texans and Mexicans took place at on old mission that was used as a fort. It was called the Alamo.

12 The Fight for the Alamo There were only 183 Texans guarding the Alamo.
The Mexican army had 1,800 men. The Texans held the Alamo for twelve days. On the thirteenth day, Santa Anna ordered his men to storm the fortress. When it was over, all but five Texans were dead. The men not killed in the battle were executed by Santa Anna. Texans were shocked by the slaughter at the Alamo and vowed to fight for their freedom.



15 Battle at San Jacinto Santa Anna had over 300 more Texans executed at Golidad. Texan general, Sam Houston gathered more troops, 800 in all. It included Tejanos, American settlers, volunteers from the United States, and many free and enslaved African Americans. They met Santa Anna at San Jacinto. Their battle cry was, “Remember the Alamo!” It was over in 18 minutes. More than half the Mexican army was killed. Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty giving Texas its freedom. With the Battle of San Jacinto, Texas was now an independent country.

16 General Santa Anna surrenders to General Houston

17 Lone Star Republic In 1836, Texas declared itself The Lone Star Republic. Sam Houston was elected president. Some Americans wanted Texas to be part of the U.S. Some people were afraid of Texas becoming a slave state, others of war with Mexico. Both would eventually happen.


19 Texas Becomes part of the USA!
Texas is ultimately annexed by Joint Resolution (Passed in both houses and by the President) Admitted as the 28th State. The US takes on Texas’ 10 Million dollar debt in exchange for breaking up Texas and creating new territories. Includes parts of (modern day): New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Wyoming. Any new area over line will have no slavery (keep North Happy). Slavery is allowed south of to keep the south happy

20 Texas Becomes part of the USA!
But…. northern democrats soon felt betrayed: Polk agreed to split the Oregon territory with the British. Didn’t want to fight a war with Mexico and The British at the same time! (“54-40 or fight!”) Polk had: promised Oregon territory (for the North) promised Texas (for the South)

21 Mexican-American War Annexation increased tension with Mexico.
Concern over the borders surrounding Texas are a driving force Mexico and America go to War. President Polk wanted this because it would help America reach Manifest Destiny. America has many advantages over Mexico and we WIN!

22 Results: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo:
Mexico is forced to give up the northern third of their country- called MEXICAN CESSION. This added 1.2 Million square miles to the US. The US keeps New Mexico and California. Rio Grande is secured as the border of Texas. This treaty causes bitterness towards the Americans

23 1. The area acquired the northern half of Mexico. later became the U.S. states of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. 2. U.S. General Zachary "Old Rough and Ready" Taylor used his fame as a war hero to win the Presidency in A true irony is that President Polk, a Democrat, pushed for the war that led to Taylor, a Whig, winning the White House. 4. Relations between the United States and Mexico remained tense for many decades to come, with several military encounters along the border. 5. For the United States, this war provided a training-ground for the men who would lead the Northern and Southern armies in the upcoming American Civil War.

24 Gadsden Purchase More land obtained from Mexico. America paid for this land rather then obtain through war.

25 Gadsden Purchase Mexico needed the money
America wanted to ensure boundary areas and wanted to put a Railroad through that area as well. Paid $10,000,000 dollars for the 45,535 square miles of land. Is almost as large as Pennsylvania. Equals about 33 cents per acre!!! Good deal!

26 America…. has reached manifest destiny

27 Debate and Tension over Land
Wilmot Proviso- sought to ban slavery in any lands won from Mexico. Northern Democrats are fighting for this! South does not want a restriction like this placed on slave because it would also restrict their power in the government. Brought slavery to the forefront and increased Tensions between the North and the South

28 Gold Rush Gold found is Sacramento California!
49ers go to find gold in the California Gold Rush Only a few got rich. Most were let down Life was cheap and there were practically no laws. Mostly men. Violence happened a lot. Carried out their own justice and without legal authority they acted as judges, juries, and executioners

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