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“The Investigative Research”

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1 “The Investigative Research”

2 The Scenario - Your group works for the U. S
The Scenario - Your group works for the U.S. Department of Labor and the Enviromental Protection Agency to insure the environment and labor force are protected from economic abuses and violations. Your group has been assigned to conduct two separate research. 1. Violation of environmental laws 2. Violation of labor laws Both economic violations dealing with labor laws (i.e., poor working conditions, low wages) and environmental laws (i.e., littering, improper waste disposal, illegal pesticides in agriculture) must be within the last 5 years. Part of the research is a finding a recommended solution to the problems.

3 The Research Requirements 1
The Research Requirements 1. Two “Select the Article” forms – fill out the necessary information for each violation on the forms. 2. Two Research Papers (500 words for each essay paper) to explain the two violations. Each problem should be examined and the solution(s) to the problem. Look at the essay format from the instructor's website for an example. 3. Two Power Point (6 -8 slides with visuals to enhance the presentation) for each problem. It should clearly highlight the problems and proposed solutions to the problems. Each group will present both power points for both problems. 4. Two Flowcharts – Fill out two Violation/Effects/Solutions Flowchart (download the flowchart).

4 Research Paper Questions The research papers should address the following questions: 1. What was the labor and environmental law that was broken? 2. Who was committing the violation (person, group of people, corporation)? 3. Who is getting hurt from the violation? 4. Where did the violations take place (state, city)? 5. When (must not be older than 5 years) did the violations take place? Why is this report important? What are the repercussions if the violations are allowed to persist? 7. What are some solutions to solve the problems (provide some solutions to the problem)?

5 Flowchart - Violation/Effects/Solutions

6 What will be submitted on the due date
What will be submitted on the due date? of the following assignments: - Two Power Points – (Six slides for each violation. This need to be shared through Google Slide for credit. to: - Two “Select the Article” forms – fill out the necessary information (two hard copies). - Two Research Papers (two hard copies). - One essay for environment violation and the other essay for labor violation. - Two Flowcharts for each violation (two hard copies). *Important Notice: All work must be submitted on the due date for credit. The instructor will not accept partial work. IT’S ALL OR NOTHING FOR THIS PROJECT!

7 The End



















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