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Representative democracy

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1 Representative democracy
Chapter 6

2 What is representation?
We have discussed in the previous chapters that representation is choosing someone to represent you, your ideas, thoughts, actions on your behalf. ONE MINUTE CHALLENGE! Think of as many examples as you can of groups that have representatives. How are they chosen?

3 Accountability Lets brainstorm together what the meaning of “accountability” is. Teacher example: Teachers are accountable to their students for supporting their learning Teachers are accountable to the principal for teaching the curriculum. Teachers are accountable to the parents for communicating student progress. How are students accountable to their teachers? And to their classmates?

4 READING PAGES 142/143: Why are linked hands used as a graphic on the first page of this chapter? FREJ ALERT: Why is representation apart of democracy? From the examples listed before of all the different representatives, how are representatives accountable?

5 Pages Page 148: what are the reasons schools would have a school council? Page 149: what ideas do representatives need to consider in order to take the needs of everyone into consideration? Can the ideas and needs of everyone always be met? If not, what options are available then to be the most fair? Page 150: what is so important about communication?

6 Representatives and the community
Do you agree or disagree? BLM 6.4 Answer each question as you either agree or disagree and in full sentences give me a reason why you chose this. Once you are done, get into pairs and discuss your answers. If they are not the same, share your reasoning for your answer, maybe you will change your mind!

7 Agree or Disagree? 1. Elected representatives should agree to every request they get. 2. When elected representatives get request, they should always reply in some way. 3.elected representatives should only think about the wants and needs of people who elect them, rather than the larger group 4. Elected representatives should act according to their own beliefs, even if it means going against most of the people who elected them

8 Agree or Disagree? 5. Elected representatives should always be available, day or night. 6. Elected representatives should always be ready to explain their actions and decisions. 7. Elected representatives don’t need to attend every meeting, if they already know what is going on. 8. A good elected representative must have a website and a public address.

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