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Urbanization Simulation

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1 Urbanization Simulation

2 Introduction Your team will work together to transform a small village into a booming metropolis. Along the way, your team will have to create job opportunities, build adequate housing and develop the proper infrastructure (such as roads, hospitals, and jails).

3 Your team will most likely face many problems, including heavy pollution, declining health, high crime rates, insufficient housing and limited education. Other problems, such as loss of capital, job shortages, and inadequate housing may arise unless you make careful decisions.

4 Round 1 The year is 1700 and the nation is England. The scene is a small rural village. At this time, three out of every four people in England lived in a small rural village. The average village was inhabited by between 200 and 400 people.

5 The main occupation of England was farming and every member of the family was expected to work hard from sun-up to sun-down. Sons helped their father with farming and tending livestock. Daughters helped their mother with household chores including cooking, cleaning, and sewing. People made their own food, clothes, furniture, tools, and homes. Most English farmers never visited any place more than 25 miles from their birthplace.

6 Round 1 Start with… 1 coal mine 1 store 5 houses 1 cemetery 1 bridge

7 Round 1 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland not available Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

8 ROUND 1 CODE 8675

9 Round 2 Before the Industrial Revolution, homes were small. The tallest structure in the village was usually the church. Villages were connected by a system of dirt roads that became almost impassable during the wet season.

10 Round 2 Requirements… 1 church 4 roads

11 Round 2 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland not available Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

12 ROUND 2 CODE 6852

13 Round 3 Before the Industrial Revolution, every village had a public area called the commons, land available to anyone for pasturing, hunting, gathering firewood and growing crops. Pressure is placed on Parliament to make more farmland available. A series of laws called the Enclosure Acts are passed by Parliament. Common land can now be bought from the government.

14 Round 3 Requirements… 1 farmland 2 estates

15 Round 3 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland 200 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

16 ROUND 3 CODE 7258

17 Round 4 There are large numbers of poor families who have lost their livelihood due to the Enclosure Acts, many farmers are moving to your village looking to find work. Meanwhile, Richard Arkwright invents a new machine that can spin and weave cloth a hundred times faster than could be done by hand on the farm.

18 Round 4 Requirements… 1 factory (if you do not already have one)

19 Round 4 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland 200 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

20 ROUND 4 CODE 952

21 Round 5 Large landowning farmers and factory owners lived a comfortable or even luxurious lifestyle. These farmers and factory owners lived on manors, hired servants, bought furniture, fine clothing, expensive art and carriages. Schools also became more common in England, but only boys from wealthy families attended school.

22 Round 5 Requirements… 1 store (must have 2 or more) 3 estates 1 school (if you do not already have one) 1 theatre (if you do not already have one)

23 Round 5 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland 200 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

24 ROUND 5 CODE 2864

25 Round 6 Machines allow for work to be done quicker and with less skill. People (women) cannot compete with the spinning and weaving of cloth made in the factory. Unemployed workers from surrounding areas flood into your community looking for work. The wages are low, but their families are starving. Towns are growing too quickly. The streets are crowded and covered in waste. Many people cannot afford housing and have no place to live. A new type of cheap housing is constructed called tenements. Here dozens of families reside under one roof.

26 Round 6 Requirements… 2 tenements 1 sanitation (if you do not already have one)

27 Round 6 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

28 ROUND 6 CODE 6485

29 Round 7 There becomes a surplus of workers. Factory owners who wish to increase their profits decided to hire women and children over men because they can perform jobs in a factory at one-half to one-quarter the price. More and more children leave their homes to work in factories. Many men are unable to find work and become depressed, ashamed and angry.

30 Round 7 Alcoholism becomes an epidemic. Family life that existed for hundreds of years in England is disrupted. Family members seldom eat together or see each other. With thousands leaving their villages and moving to towns looking for work to feed their families, there was always a daily line of unemployed workers waiting to fill vacant jobs.

31 Round 7 Requirements… 2 pubs (if you do not already have at least two) 1 law enforcement (if you do not already have one)

32 Round 7 - Profits Canal bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 250 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad not available

33 ROUND 7 CODE 4569

34 Round 8 James Watt invented the steam engine which replaces the water frame as the main method of powering machines. The steam engine is more efficient and allows factories to be built away from the river. Factory production increases.

35 Round 8 As your city grows, existing canals and dirt roads cannot accommodate the heavy industrial traffic. New experiments with transportation using the power of a steam engine are tried. The most successful appears to be a steam-engine that pulls a series of wagons or cars on iron tracks. The first railroad is tested and proves to be quite effective.

36 Round 8 Requirements… 1 bridge 4 roads

37 Round 8 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 500 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonus

38 ROUND 8 CODE 6547

39 Round 9 The year is Henry Cort has just invented the puddling process. This process make it possible for coal to be used as the primary fuel sources in England.

40 Round 9 There is great demand for coal. Coal is used for home heating, fuel for steam engines (factory machines and railroads) and for producing iron. Coal miners are busy mining coal. Coal is common in England at this time and your town is now thrust into the “New Age of Heavy Industry.”

41 Round 9 Coal mining is dangerous and unhealthy. Workers often died from explosions and other accidents. Other workers become victims of black lung and other diseases. Casualty rates go up. Even children work in the coal mines. Malnutrition and lack of sleep also cause problems for coal miners and other industrial workers.

42 Round 9 Requirements… 2 cemeteries 1 hospital (if you do not already have one)

43 Round 9 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

44 ROUND 9 CODE 1458

45 Round 10 Workers work long hard hours in the factories. Wages are low and most factory workers struggle to eke out an existence. After work, exhausted, “stressed out” workers stop at their favorite pub for some relaxation. Alcohol began to be consumed in England at record amounts. Since factory workers worked 6 days a week, Sunday was the only day off for workers. Most workers spent Sunday mornings at church.

46 Round 10 Requirements… 2 pubs (must have at least 4 pubs) 1 church

47 Round 10 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

48 ROUND 10 CODE 7965

49 Round 11 The sewer systems are outdated and responsible for thousands of deaths. Human feces and urine, discarded remains from slaughterhouses, and industrial waste pours directly into rivers and is left untreated, contaminating the water. The open sewer system also creates an unbearable stink. Cholera epidemics are responsible for the death of thousands in London alone. Sewers often caught fire and exploded as a result of leaked methane and other gases. Sewers leaked methane and other gases, which often caught fire and exploded

50 Round 11 Meanwhile, as cities continue to grow. Existing bridges and roads are falling apart and need to be replaced.

51 Round 11 Special note Railroad companies were given land grants to build the railroads. Now, to make more money, railroad companies make farmland available to purchase, but at a higher price. You may buy more farmland in Round 11.

52 Round 11 Requirements… 2 sanitation (existing sewers are no good) 1 bridge 4 roads

53 Round 11 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

54 ROUND 11 CODE 5782

55 Round 12 Crime skyrocketed during the Industrial Revolution. There were new opportunities for criminals, especially burglars, including warehouses full of valuable goods, banks full of money, and the homes of the middle and upper class. Newspapers brought greater awareness of crime, splashing crime across the front pages of most major newspapers. Criminals also enjoyed the anonymity of the city, often moving from city to city without being detected.

56 Round 12 Requirements… 1 law enforcement

57 Round 12 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

58 ROUND 12 CODE 1358

59 Round 13 The working conditions in the factories are appalling. Many workers contracted diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis or emphysema. These diseases were known as deadly factory fever or white lung disease at the time. Other workers were injured on the job in factory accidents. There were no protective railings around huge moving mechanical parts of machinery. Children, weakened from lack of proper sleep or diet, stumbled into machinery and were mutilated. Women’s long hair came undone and caught in moving machinery. Regardless, if you were unable to work, you were fired. There was no health insurance.

60 Round 13 Requirements… 1 bridge 4 roads

61 Round 13 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

62 ROUND 13 CODE 2158

63 Round 14 Pollution has become a major problem. The air in your community looks dark. Windows, walls, even trees are covered with layers of soot and cake. The river that once flowed through your quiet village for hundreds of years is now unfit for drinking, bathing, or laundry. A new disease begins to take the lives of people. Malignant tumors become more common and the term cancer is first used in the medical profession. The average life expectancy for the poor classes is now 30 years of age. Your city is overcrowded and shrouded in factory smoke. The noise, the loss of privacy, and the loss of family unity shatters the peace of the old ways. Suicide rates double, then triple.

64 Round 14 Requirements… 1 cemetery 1 hospital 1 sanitation 1 street lamp 1 bridge 4 roads

65 Round 14 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

66 ROUND 14 CODE 8548

67 Round 15 Urban life does have some advantages for many urban dwellers. City life is quite different from country life. For the small but growing middle classes, a whole new cultural life is available. Museums, theaters, operas, restaurants, plays, concerts are made available. Whereas before only the wealthy could afford the art, now the middle class can also enjoy a life of culture and good living. Life for factory workers also improves. Factory workers join together to form labor unions. Parliament passes a series of laws to improve working conditions for factory workers. Factory workers also begin to earn higher wages and shorter hours.

68 Round 15 Requirements… 1 store 3 estates 1 theatre

69 Round 15 - Profits Canal 50 + bonuses Coal mine 1000 Factory 500 Farmland 100 Pub based on population 250 max profit Store based on population 250 max profit Railroad bonuses

70 ROUND 15 CODE 3685

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