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Stages of the Cell cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Stages of the Cell cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stages of the Cell cycle

2 The Life of a Cell An organized sequence of growing until it divides
One cell divided into 2 “daughter cells”

3 Why Divide? Single celled organisms For multicellular organisms
For reproduction For multicellular organisms For development from fertilized egg to adult For growth and repair

4 Cell Cycle 2 major periods: Interphase Cell division
Period of growth in-between divisions Cell division Period during which cell splits in 2

5 Interphase – Part I G1 Phase Period of growth Cell increases in size
Cell makes new proteins and organelles

6 Interphase – Part II S Phase Synthesis of DNA molecules
Chromosomes replicated

7 Interphase – Part III G2 Phase Preparation for cell division
Organelles and molecules necessary for division are produced

8 Cell in Interphase

9 On to the next part…

10 Cell Division The period of cell division is also called M Phase
2 major periods: Mitosis Process of cell’s nucleus dividing Cytokinesis Process of entire cell dividing

11 M Phase - Mitosis 4 major periods Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

12 M Phase – Mitosis – Part I
Prophase Chromatin begins to condense into chromosomes Centrioles separate on opposite sides of nucleus Spindle fibers form and approach centromeres Nuclear envelope breaks down

13 M Phase – Mitosis – Part I

14 M Phase – Mitosis – Part II
Metaphase Spindle fibers attach to each chromosome at the kinetochore Chromosomes line up across center of cell

15 M Phase – Mitosis – Part II

16 M Phase – Mitosis – Part III
Anaphase Sister chromatids split and are pulled apart by spindle toward opposite ends

17 M Phase – Mitosis – Part III

18 M Phase – Mitosis – Part IV
Telophase Chromosomes begin to untangle back into chromatin Nuclear envelope reforms around each cluster of genetic material Spindle breaks apart

19 M Phase – Mitosis – Part IV

20 M Phase – Cytokinesis Cell membrane drawn in until cytoplasm pinched into 2 equal parts

21 M Phase – Cytokinesis Animal cells: contractile ring pinches cell membrane forming cleavage furrow

22 M Phase – Cytokinesis Plant cells: cytoplasm divided by cell plate which develops into cell membrane and cell wall

23 Put it all Together…

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