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Personation Overview.

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1 Personation Overview

2 Personation Personation is the interpretation of character Interpretation in this case means ‘your understanding’ or ‘vision of’ the character you are reading.

3 Ways to personate There are various ways to personate a character. These usually go unmentioned in the text. By definition it is your ‘interpretation’ of the character and not a literal explanation of something that someone does in the text. e.g. the unmentioned cough of a smoker.

4 Voice Voices can vary greatly and show a great deal about your interpretation of a character. Think of the difference between a confident gangster character and a nervous edgy smoker. Go on. Give it a try… “Hello my name is Billy Smith”

5 How to express different voices
Different voices come from mastering all of the different forms of emphasis learnt in previous classes. You then use a variety of them to create the different character’s voices.

6 Types of character voices
Any volunteers? “My name is Billy Smith. I come from…” Nervous/Edgy smoker character Confident gangster character Boogeyman out of a closet Alpha male wrestler character Romantic ladies’ man Sexually provocative adulteress

7 Manner of speech This refers to the individual style of someone’s speech; Stutters Stammers Lisps

8 Gestures These are physical factors that may affect someone’s speech. A twitch, a fluctuating heart rate, a cough, a gulp, stretching etc

9 Vocabulary The type of vocabulary a character has may determine the style of speech they have If they use long complicated vocabulary, maybe that will suggest confidence or intelligence. Short contracted words might suggest a lack of intelligence. This will link directly to the voice.

10 Thought habits Thought habits refer to the deep rooted thoughts a character may have. Does he have murderous intent? Is she an adulteress?

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