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Presentation on theme: "LATIN NOTES 31-40 ETYMOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 E PLURIBUS UNUM One out of many Motto of the United States of America

3 ET AL. (allii, aliae, alia)
And others Usually used when making a list including other people

4 ET CETERA (etc.) And the rest And so forth; He had dogs, cats, birds, etc.

5 ET TU, BRUTE You also, Brutus? Betrayal by a trusted friend; Brutus, et al., stabbed Julius Caesar

6 EX CATHEDRA From the chair With authority; Official pronouncement

7 EXCELSIOR Higher Onward and upward; New York State’s motto

8 EX LIBRIS From the books Sticker placed in books from someone’s library, followed by owner’s name

9 FIAT LUX Let there be light Beginning verse of the book of Genesis in the Bible

10 HIC ET NUNC Here and now Wanting something ASAP; legal term

11 HIC ET UBIQUE Here and everywhere All over the place; ubi = where; ubiquitous

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